Picture 1 in [Back To the Past: Detroit Metal City]

This was a 2008 show about a guy called Negishi that went to Tokyo to study and in the hopes of starting a boyband where he would be able to sing his favorite songs, a.k.a. light R&B pop. What happened instead was he ended up signing himself up to a recording company that did exclusively death metal music, called Detroit Metal City. With hilarious results.

There might be spoilers after the jump. Picture 2 in [Back To the Past: Detroit Metal City]
Negishi would rather be doing this.

He hates his death metal band music to the core, and halfheartedly tries to persuade his boss to release some light music.

Picture 3 in [Back To the Past: Detroit Metal City]

Needless to say, his boss denies it and continues to declare to everyone around her that her crotch gets soaked when she sees things like this.

Picture 4 in [Back To the Past: Detroit Metal City]

And then theres his love interest, who has no interest absolutely hates death metal.

Picture 5 in [Back To the Past: Detroit Metal City]

Even his juniors ended up listening to the nice songs he played in university and started a small boyband.

Picture 6 in [Back To the Past: Detroit Metal City]

So you wonder why he's still doing this?

Picture 7 in [Back To the Past: Detroit Metal City]

Because it's the only thing he can do right, even when he doesn't want to, and he freaking ROCKS at it.

written by astrobunny \\ 2008, anime, city, death metal, detroit, electric, heavy, metal, negishi, rock, satsugai, souichi