Picture 1 in [Anime Japan 2015]

With the advent of my Facebook account, my blog has regressed into a state of neglect, so I intend to post more of my stuff now on this blog instead. Last weekend I attended Anime Japan 2015 which was held at Tokyo Big Sight. After a whole night of endless karaoke and otaku shenanigans, the first train was not to hard to take, so I arrived early for the queue.
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written by astrobunny \\ 2015, anime, aniplex, big sight, cosplay, event, fate/staynight, japan, kadokawa, kagamin, kancolle, nendoroid, nico, nozaki, tapestry, tokyo, yamato

Picture 1 in [Sakurano Kurimu Nendo]

Since my trip to Japan last week was in the beginning of the year, the shops in Akiba had stockpiles of magazines. Among these magazines, several come wrapped together with little boxes of goodies. One of them was Dragon magazine that came with a Sakurano Kurimu nendo. I don't know what got into my head at the time I saw it but I actually had second thoughts. If I hadn't run back to buy this, I probably would not be able to imagine the regrets I would carry out of Japan.

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written by astrobunny \\ dragon, ichizon, japan, kurimu, nendoroid, no, puchi, sakurano, seitokai

Picture 1 in [Imaging experiments]

Picture 2 in [Imaging experiments]

Recently I obtained a new device for taking screencaps from real life. Thing is, I really don't know which is better? The old Kodak digital camera with the 3.5mm lens, or the new Nikon with a Nikkor 18-55mm?

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written by astrobunny \\ camera, figma, haruhi, hiiragi, kagami, kagamiku, konata, nendoroid, photography, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Loot post: Kagamiku Nendoroid]

So yesterday Seto's encounter with a box seems to have produced some monster drops. One of those monster drops was a Kagami cosplaying as Miku nendroid. I have said many times before that Kagamin's cosplay of Hatsune Miku is such absolute win, it might take another 1 billion years before another race dominates the Earth and creates something more moe than this. In other words, Seto has very high LUK. I should give her the +10 LUK brooch of Nehalem sometime.

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written by astrobunny \\ achoo, company, cosplay, good, kagami, kagamiku, kagamin, loot, mikku, miku, nendoroid, nuke, smile, sneeze

Picture 1 in [A wild box has appeared!]

Seto ran into an F.O.E. today. It was a box, treacherous and bigger than her. Unfazed, Seto cautiosly steps up and surveys the curious object...

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written by astrobunny \\ encounter, figma, kagami, kagamiku, meiya, miku, mitsurugi, nendoroid, signum

Picture 1 in [Nendoroid Louise]

Not too long ago I suddenly acquired a nendoroid Louise. Why Louise? Well, no particular reason really. It turned out that she looked a bit cuter than everyone else, including Miku that prompted me to get her. Besides, we needed to balance the incredible amount of yellow already on my desk.

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written by astrobunny \\ company, good, louise, nendoroid, pink hair, smile, tsundere, wand

Picture 1 in [Amazing figma mods]figma blog, which is edited by the people responsible for figmas themselves, Max Watanabe and Masaki Asai.
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written by astrobunny \\ blog, chouyusha, chouyusha haruhi, custom, dere nagato, figma, haruhi, hiyori, imouto, kagami, kagamiku, konata, kunikida, kusakabe, kyon, kyon's sister, kyonko, lucky star, mikuru, mikuru mod, minami, misao, mod, mods, nagato, nendoroid, puchi, resin, shorts, sister, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Amazing figma mods Part 2]

The last post was mostly figma mods of Haruhi and Lucky Star characters. In this post however, I'm going to show you some mods of characters not from those two, and despite them not having as crazy a fanbase as the KyoAni produtions, there are still some incredible modding adventures here everyone would want to have kids with. Again, credits of the pics go to the figma blog unless otherwise stated.

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written by astrobunny \\ blog, chouyusha, chouyusha haruhi, custom, dere nagato, figma, haruhi, hiyori, imouto, kagami, kagamiku, konata, kunikida, kusakabe, kyon, kyon's sister, kyonko, lucky star, mikuru, mikuru mod, minami, misao, mod, mods, nagato, nendoroid, puchi, resin, shorts, sister, tsukasa, yutaka