Picture 1 in [A Day in a Cage]

Not too long ago Shana gave me some sort of telescope and told me it was a present. Little did I know that it was actually a consciousness transfer device when I was actually looking down from the moon at Seiyo Academy's little pet farm. I found myself locked up in a cage for no apparent reason after that and wondered why the hell my room's floor was made of dirt.

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written by astrobunny \\ amu, bunny, captive, chara, dokki doki, hiiragi, hikaru, hinamori, party, rabbit, rikka, shugo, torture

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara Party: 30 minute commercial?]

After watching Shugo Chara Party, I was horrified in more ways than one. Instead of once again becoming an even more awesome anime than ever, it turned into a really big commercial advertising songs and stuff, and is laced with a whole much of ads about Shugo Chara licensed toys, accessories, clothing and all sorts of other things. The ads weren't that big of a deal since they were already there since the beginning, but it seems now they are enroaching onto the anime's territory as well.

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written by astrobunny \\ advertising, blatant, chara, doki, dokki, fail, mediocre, new, op, party, pucchi, puchi, reused, scenes, season, shameless, shugo

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara is Awesome]

I'll tell you what I like about Shugo Chara, and its not the millions of doujins spawned about the kind of underaged contact a small (I hope) community seems to fancy. But its how they make being good kids look so cool. I must admit, Shugo Chara is sometimes embarrasing, but often they make very very good points about some very good ideals and show the consequences of not upholding these ideals.

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written by astrobunny \\ amu, awesome, best policy, chara, epic, guidance, honesty, ikuto, is, mom, moral, parental, secret, shugo, win

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara Illustrations GET!]

The package has finally arrived. I have finally gotten my hands on the artbook of one of my most recent favorites, Shugo Chara. Mind you I have never bought an artbook before, so this is a first. You could say this is my hatsutaiken. Though I gladly did it for Amu-chan.

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written by astrobunny \\ 4koma, amulet heart, art book, artbook, chara, illustrations, peach pit, shugo