Every time a new piece of anime comes out, I miss it. Well, although I missed this one, I'm still gonna blog about it. Enter Hayate no Gotoku, this is one anime that caught my attention. The moment I heard its sounds emanating from my flatmates' room, I knew I had to watch it. This story is about an ordinary boy attending an ordinary high school who has been sold to some
very generous people ordinary loansharks after borrowing 156,804,000 Yen, and basically just ran off leaving the debt to him as a Christmas present.
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YES. Now that I'm done creating my blog, its time to clean up my room and celebrate woot. Of course, my room is seldom dirty. What you see in the following photo is a rare occurrence and happens every once the wolf cries to the blue corn moon, or when the grinning bobcat grins
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Suzumiya Haruhi is officially being worshipped by people from "all walks of life", as us AZNs would say it, and with the Hare Hare Yukai being danced by boys and girls from the east to west, if 1 YouTube Vid would spring out from every 100 occurences of a craze, then Haruhi, in the Pop culture, or rather OTAKU culture sense, is a God, as pronounced by Itsuki. (no I disclaim saying that she is a true God, or that God is a Girl[Otakus, plz don't stalk me]) Well, I, who so happens to be one of the guys at the side watching this craze go on, has found a few youtube videos of rather creative versions of the Hare hare yukai. Yes. There are many super, hyper, ultra bad videos on youtube, estimated to be in the thousands. I assure you, these videos have been hand picked by sessha to for your entertainment. Enjoy.
Busou Shinki (the fella is seriously too free)
Now. Well this is just a test to see if posts really get added. :P of course they get added. What am I talking about. Now most of you would not realize this post exists for some time. That's coz its the ZERO'th post. In actual fact, its the first post, but since its put here before the launch, lets just leave it at that.
Well! Many more things to come! Off to sleep now!
OMG Haruhi uses an Epiphone... I want one too
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