Picture 1 in [Ayanami is Injured! Call the Doctor!]

A bandaged Ayanami has appeared! I wonder if I should rescue her and make her fall in love with me. そんなわけないだろう。(TL: there's no way that could happen). Of course, she would stay emotionless and distant and look at you with unfocused eyes. She seems to be sleeping soundly right now. I wonder if I should wake her up.

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written by astrobunny \\ asuka, ayanami, bandaged, blue, evangelion, fraulein, genesis, lance of longinus, langley, neon, rei, revoltech, soryuu

Picture 1 in [Boredom]

"Whatcha doin'?"
"Looking at the stars"

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written by astrobunny \\ black hair, boredom, kyonko, miniskirt, nagato, nagatoid, pervert, random, shakugan no shana

Woops. I've been playing too much portal. I know I'm late, but just in case you have been living under a rock...

And for those of you who do know it, try this on for size.

And remember... The cake is a lie.

written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Asura Cryin 3]

I felt inclined to say Asura Cryin is awesome after the 2nd episode, but after watching this 3rd episode, the dilly dallying and the messing around of that science-club meganekko was just irritating. Are they trying to lengthen the episode? If they are trying to save money with that, I don't think they are doing a very good job at it.

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written by astrobunny \\ asura cryin, hisui, kanade, kurogane, machina, mecha, misao, summon, takatsuki

Picture 1 in [Amazing figma mods]figma blog, which is edited by the people responsible for figmas themselves, Max Watanabe and Masaki Asai.
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written by astrobunny \\ blog, chouyusha, chouyusha haruhi, custom, dere nagato, figma, haruhi, hiyori, imouto, kagami, kagamiku, konata, kunikida, kusakabe, kyon, kyon's sister, kyonko, lucky star, mikuru, mikuru mod, minami, misao, mod, mods, nagato, nendoroid, puchi, resin, shorts, sister, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Amazing figma mods Part 2]

The last post was mostly figma mods of Haruhi and Lucky Star characters. In this post however, I'm going to show you some mods of characters not from those two, and despite them not having as crazy a fanbase as the KyoAni produtions, there are still some incredible modding adventures here everyone would want to have kids with. Again, credits of the pics go to the figma blog unless otherwise stated.

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written by astrobunny \\ blog, chouyusha, chouyusha haruhi, custom, dere nagato, figma, haruhi, hiyori, imouto, kagami, kagamiku, konata, kunikida, kusakabe, kyon, kyon's sister, kyonko, lucky star, mikuru, mikuru mod, minami, misao, mod, mods, nagato, nendoroid, puchi, resin, shorts, sister, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Mio's moeliciousness and Ritsu and Yui's moetardedness]

Episode 4 seems to me like an episode used to confirm and set in stone what we already know about Kagami, Tsukasa, Konata and Miyuki Mio, Yui, Ritsu and Tsumugi. I must say that while the mizugi scenes weren't exactly arousing or anything to that effect, it was pretty much compensated for by Mio's incredible win and awesomeness. In this post, I'm going to adore and worship Mio in the first part, and then diss and rant about Ritsu and Yui and stress their levels of ignorance and retardedness this is just a picture post. Lots of Mio and lots Yui and Ritsu, if you swing that way, which, much as I'd hate to admit, just gives Mio to be more moe and loveable.

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written by astrobunny \\ beach, episode 4, guitar, k-on, mio, mio mio, mio mio mio, mio mio mio mio mio mio, mio x yui, mizugi, picture post, ritsu, tsumugi, yui

Picture 1 in [K-ON Real Life Imitations]

Today, while waiting to watch K-ON, I occupied myself with various real life attempts to bring the OP and ED to life. Quite surprisingly, after merely 4 weeks of airing, there's so much stuff out there its hard to imagine that most of the people who watch K-ON aren't exactly musicians. Furthermore, it seems this anime has had the effect of driving up guitar sales in certain places too. Oh well. This post contains some of the better K-ON music videos of people playing the OP and ED.

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written by astrobunny \\ bass, drums, guitar, k-on, lucky star, piano, recorder, stepmania, tissue princess, violin, youtube

Picture 1 in [Nagatoid]

Today out of utter roneriness I decided to dress Nagato up in something completely out of character for her. Presenting... The Agent of the Integrated Sentient Data Entity 02, Nagatoid.

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written by astrobunny \\ alternate reality, fiction within fiction, nagato, nagatoid, violin

Picture 1 in [Life in Mai Room 2]

Time for me to publish an utterly pointless and random post with a collection of figma pictures I took. I tried my best to put together a story but ended up with some sort of writer block. Most of you might just want to skip it for the sake of your bandwidth. But if you don't mind looking at a bunch of pictures where figmas do their thing, then feel free to carry on.

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written by astrobunny \\