Latest fresh from the Tokyo Animation is the latest would be craze full of more school life randomness brought in by hastily sketched characters in sailor uniforms! Enter Lucky Star! Mahora Fansubs are gonna pull out Ep 1 in no time for all of you otakus out there, or so I'm informed. So while you're waiting, here's the OP from Lucky Star! The opening song is Motteke! Seifuku by (guess what) Aya Hirano from Haruhi... WOOT. Enjoy.

らき☆すた OP

written by astrobunny \\

While being a big anime fan is wonderful, its also nice to stray off and nurture other interests as time goes by. I'm sure Nagato will agree.
Today I shall talk about the very center of my final year university project. My university project consists of creating an emulator for a computer that first years can play around with to learn about how a computer works after you hit the compile button. I'm supposed to emulate a stack machine.
Now, typical processors you see such as those made by microprocessor giants Intel and AMD are called register machines. These machines typically store numbers in little boxes in the processor and use them. Stack machines however, only have a few long boxes (typically 2) in which they pile up all the numbers that they use and pick them out one by one. Examples of stack machines are the Motorola 68000 and the Java Virtual Machine.
Yes I know. They are pretty lame compared to the almighty Core Duo and Athlon Processors, but hey its gotta be simple enough for a first year to use right?
Well, now I'm gonna talk about what I'm really writing. Basically, its gonna be a simple processor where you write some instructions into memory, and the processor will run through them and do exactly what you wrote. Sounds simple?
Cool! Now, we're going to have a keyboard! This means the CPU needs to wait for your input! Wow. This does mean that we are gonna be needing some sort of interrupt now. Basically, what happens is, when you press a key on your keyboard, the keyboard sends an interrupt to the CPU, or in other words, it taps the shoulder of the CPU saying "hey, mind if you come over here and have a look at this key the user pressed?" and the CPU will stop whatever it is doing for the moment, and come over to see whats going on. The CPU coming over to see what's going on is called "interrupt handling". Basically, every interrupt must be handled, or the machine simply won't work properly. This means there needs to be some kind of table for the CPU to look up to find out what it has to do when a certain interrupt comes in.
In the olden days when geeks had long hair and were less accepted in society and carved program code on cave walls, these interrupts came in through wires directly connected to the CPU. Things are different today and now the hardware simply sends a message across, and the CPU knows what to do.
Now how exactly does it know what to do? Well, thats gonna go int owhat instruction set the CPU uses!

written by astrobunny \\

This is a Japanese ripoff of DarkMirage's old (yes I am quite late) Otaku Lifestyle Crisis poem. The original is here

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written by astrobunny \\

Okay fine that last post was just half-hearted. I'm not a tech fan after all HMPH. Anyway, since I was falling asleep doing that, I found something that really woke me up. YES, its an EXTREMELY kickass AMV from our Goddess Suzumiya Haruhi! Enjoy...

written by astrobunny \\

Today, I shall show you guys another character that I was sketching just now. Its Sanzenin Nagi from Hayate no Gotoku. She's cute right? I don't think its really well done, but please leave your comments! Thanks!



written by astrobunny \\

Owh. The easter holidays have almost come to an end. Looks like its time to get up and back to the old routine of study sleep study sleep.

written by astrobunny \\

To all of you who are regular readers of Ars Technica and SlashDot and random posts from Digg and, here's an alternative read to satisfy those brain cells of yours craving new content. Marvin is a friend of mine who loves to talk about technology. Well, after much deliberation he decided to spread his rants for the whole world to see. Thus, was born. Now you can enjoy one more blog filled with the latest praises to apple, google features and lots more original content. Yes and I do mean original content. He writes the blog himself, and doesn't copy and paste like most @@#%@sites do. Don't take my word for it, hop on over now to

written by astrobunny \\

Tonight is another night of doing that evil management report. Yes. The one which takes 45 marks away if you don't do it and gives 45 marks to you if you do it. Yes. It is evil I know. That's why, I hate it. However, since my nights are like lemons, I still managed to squeeze a bit of time out to do a few sketches of Tsukamoto Tenma and Tsukamoto Yakumo. WooT!

And so, to celebrate, I shall give everyone a chance to choose WHICH School Rumble character I should blog about! I can't figure it out so I need you guys to choose. Please drop a comment and the character with the most comments will be blogged!

I'll view the blog this Friday and write the blog on Saturday. Its gonna be one serious blog so make sure you make the right choice!

Name: Tsukamoto Tenma 塚本天満
Date Of Birth: 30th November
Blood Type: B
Likes: Karasuma Ouji
Dislikes: Perverts
Abilities: Message Archery, High-speed cycling, Tying weird hairstyles |

Name: Tsukamoto Yakumo 塚本八雲
Date Of Birth: 23rd March
Blood Type: AB
Likes: Cooking
Dislikes: Hanai-kun
Abilities: Read the mind of those who like her


written by astrobunny \\

In my last post I forgot to mention the girl has decided to make Hayate her butler. Due to Evil Reports of the Damned and Closed Space in the university, I have lost many hours of my life completing my work, and thus was unable to blog yesterday. Sorry! Instead, I'll keep you guys entertained with the opening of Hayate no Gotoku.

written by astrobunny \\

When one comes to talk about anime, one usually talks about their characters. Yes. As with every story, the characters give life to a story. Without characters, a story is like a donut without a hole, o-mochi without rice, and sashimi without fish. Thus, we come to a conclusion. The most important part of anime is the characters. This is what this is all about. From now on, if I am not blogging about episodes, or complaining about how badly Shinn should be the main character in Gundam Seed Destiny and not Kira, or if I am not talking about whether Haruhi should have a second season, or if I am not giving excuses on why I'm taking so long to TL Negima!? I'll talk about characters from various anime.

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written by astrobunny \\