Picture 1 in [Haruhi Movie]

I watched this for the second time today. I actually watched it on the 18th of December last year. Whether or not that was a coincidence is probably pretty moot. Or perhaps some unknown force that we dare not admit exists plays a hand in our lives as well. Whatever it was, this movie is every bit as awesome as the Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi. After all, this movie was the adaptation of the book itself.

Picture 2 in [Haruhi Movie]

I won't say any more beyond this. If you want to see a novel come to life, here's your chance.

written by astrobunny \\ 2010, awesome, disappearance, haruhi, movie, nagato, novel, shoushitsu, suzumiya, win, yuki

It turns out Kadokawa decided to finish off the anticipation with an awesome feature length movie of Tanigawa's masterpiece in the Suzumiya Haruhi line of novels. Although they did hint it to be after Sighs, I didn't think it wouldn't be part of the TV series. Oh well, looks like another cockblocker for us gaikokujin. As if the endless eight was not enough...

Thanks Ooga!

written by astrobunny \\ disappearance, haruhi, movie

Picture 1 in [Haruhi's feelings leaking?]

Depending on one's interpretation of the story, one might think that hints are being scattered all over the place about Haruhi's real motives behind her irrationality. One might infer envy, pride or a simple hunger from attention from a certain someone

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written by astrobunny \\ anger, depression, disbelief, fight, haruhi, interpretation, movie, ochikomu, ponytail, shock, sighs, tsundere, zetsubou

Picture 1 in [Figma comic: Blue Shift]

No, I'm not bored. I just so happened to open this box, leave the room, and I find a big mess on my bed.

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written by astrobunny \\ battlewaitress, figma comic, haruhi, mikuru

Picture 1 in [Haruhi is so cute when she's mad]

I think that despite this episode being the last episode of a long line of the same episode, the reason for calling this episode a breath of fresh air is not that it is the end of a crucifying series of constant reanimation of the same thing, but rather the fact that KyoAni has put some effort into making Haruhi's tantrum scene an amazing one. For some reason, this angry girl looks very cute to me. This is a picture post of just Haruhi.

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written by astrobunny \\ angry, angry girl is cute, cute, haruhi, tsundere

Picture 1 in [I think KyoAni is finding this fun...]

Picture 2 in [I think KyoAni is finding this fun...]

Don't you?

written by astrobunny \\ eight, endless, haruhi, troll

Picture 1 in [Maid Cosplay Figma Senpais]

My recent infatuation with Yuu has prompted me to open one of those figma boxes I hadn't bothered to open until now. Strangely I wonder where all the excitement of opening these boxes went. I guess its just a transient thing.

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written by astrobunny \\ asahina, figma, hospitality, maid, meido, mikuru, moe, tsuruya, waitress

Picture 1 in [Its summer again! (again) (again)]

Heh. I can so see those bloggers with Haruhi broadcast order speculations on their site deleting posts now...

written by astrobunny \\ 15513 times, 594 years, again, and again, eight, endless, endless eight, finish, forever, goto hell;, haruhi, how long will you continue reading this?, jmp start, keep going, keshite owaranai, loop, never, never ending, repeat, summer, very long, you'll never get there

Picture 1 in [5 centuries, 2 weeks, 1 endless eight.]

Poor Nagato, despite being an alien linked to a somewhat all-knowing data lifeform, she is still very much a human being by nature, but being aware of a neverending loop and experiencing it more than 15000 times is sure to drive even the hardiest of human beings beyond insanity.

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written by astrobunny \\ deja, eight, endless, haruhi, loop, nagato, poor, season 2, vu

Picture 1 in [Is this all Haruhi's excuse?]

Now that the second season has really started with this episode, we have been able to obtain a broader idea on what KyoAni has in store for us. Putting aside the complaints fans have about his episode after reading the novel, let us observe Haruhi's interesting behaviour in this episode. What are we interested in?
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written by astrobunny \\ baseball, beach, bowling, cicada, endless eight, fanservice, fishing, haruhi, imouto, itsuki, kyon, love, mikuru, mizugi, nagato, obon, second season