Picture 1 in [Its summer again! (again) (again)]

Heh. I can so see those bloggers with Haruhi broadcast order speculations on their site deleting posts now...

written by astrobunny \\ 15513 times, 594 years, again, and again, eight, endless, endless eight, finish, forever, goto hell;, haruhi, how long will you continue reading this?, jmp start, keep going, keshite owaranai, loop, never, never ending, repeat, summer, very long, you'll never get there

Hajimari no asa ni hikaare.

This is by far a very very big favorite for me, particularly because it is always used to wrap up some really awesome finishing scene or cliffhanger, and also because I've gotten addicted to it, I just open youtube for the sake of listening to this song. Or maybe its just because Hojo Kuniko is so awesome.

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written by astrobunny \\ again, fma, full metal alchemist, hajimari, haruhi, hayate no gotoku, hinagiku, shangri-la, tomare, yui