Picture 1 in [A Day in a Cage]

Not too long ago Shana gave me some sort of telescope and told me it was a present. Little did I know that it was actually a consciousness transfer device when I was actually looking down from the moon at Seiyo Academy's little pet farm. I found myself locked up in a cage for no apparent reason after that and wondered why the hell my room's floor was made of dirt.

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written by astrobunny \\ amu, bunny, captive, chara, dokki doki, hiiragi, hikaru, hinamori, party, rabbit, rikka, shugo, torture

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara Party: 30 minute commercial?]

After watching Shugo Chara Party, I was horrified in more ways than one. Instead of once again becoming an even more awesome anime than ever, it turned into a really big commercial advertising songs and stuff, and is laced with a whole much of ads about Shugo Chara licensed toys, accessories, clothing and all sorts of other things. The ads weren't that big of a deal since they were already there since the beginning, but it seems now they are enroaching onto the anime's territory as well.

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written by astrobunny \\ advertising, blatant, chara, doki, dokki, fail, mediocre, new, op, party, pucchi, puchi, reused, scenes, season, shameless, shugo

Picture 1 in [I feel like playing DDR now]

Man, I should so go get the latest stepfiles for Hajimari no Hikari are and Tomare. And maybe the ones for the new Shugo OP and ED too. They look like a lot of fun to dance to. Though I cannot help but ponder Amu's choice of clothing this time. I know she's into goth but...

Picture 2 in [I feel like playing DDR now]

No Nana, that's not what I had in mind-dagya.

written by astrobunny \\ amu, dagya, dance, ddr, garter, goth, hinamori, nana, yaya, zettai

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara is Awesome]

I'll tell you what I like about Shugo Chara, and its not the millions of doujins spawned about the kind of underaged contact a small (I hope) community seems to fancy. But its how they make being good kids look so cool. I must admit, Shugo Chara is sometimes embarrasing, but often they make very very good points about some very good ideals and show the consequences of not upholding these ideals.

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written by astrobunny \\ amu, awesome, best policy, chara, epic, guidance, honesty, ikuto, is, mom, moral, parental, secret, shugo, win

Picture 1 in [Life in Mai Room]

For those of you who don't know yet, you can click on the picture, and it will enlarge itself. Lately there's been a wave of boredom coming my way. I started watching Koukaku no Regios and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it and think about whether or not I really want to talk about it. All I know is that Nina has hot zettais and white haired girl is an SM fan. So the story didn't make much sense to me yet, and once I get it I'll start posting about it.

Also, rewatching ARIA is actually becoming a daily routine. Sometimes I'd just come home and sit down in front of my macbook and choose a random episode to watch. It always helps to calm my mind somehow. Whenever I feel frustrated at work, I look at Akari, and the solutions tend to come naturally. I'm starting to wonder if it is psychological, or if I might really need psychological help. Oh well, whatever gets me by day by day. Oh and sometimes it really does get that lively in this room. ESPECIALLY while I'm watching ARIA. I need to clear up some space which is not my table for the figmas to play on, or else I'm going to have to put them all back in their boxes.

... And no. This post does not imply Shugo Chara is unlucky too.

written by astrobunny \\ fate, figma comics, final fantasy, forced, gp, haruhi, hp, kagamine, kawaii, knife, mikuru, nagato, nanoha, nyoron, rin, seto, shakugan no shana, tsuruya, unrequited love

Picture 1 in [Rewatching Shugo Chara]

Somehow I just keep going back to watching Shugo Chara Season 1. Its just so memorable, you want to live it over and over again. In all honesty, I think that season 1 was still better than season 2. Making season 2 any more exciting or memorable would be quite a tall order considering the amount of fillers aired so far, and how incongruous the story has become. Not to mention the stupendous amount of ads and merchandise commercials that surround their airing these days (and the horrible Sentai-style Heart Unlocks >.>;). I want my old Amu back...

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written by astrobunny \\ amu, kukai, picture post, rewatch, season 1, shion, shugo chara

[flashvideo filename=http://www.astrobunny.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/conomachi.mp4 width=480 height=270 /]

As a dedicated Shugo Chara fan, I felt obliged to make this post of the newest ED of Shugo Chara Doki! This new song came out just yesterday while I was watching Shugo Chara and came as quite a surprise, considering ED 5 wasn't even out for that long. Anyway, enjoy the Ami-centered video!

Lyrics follow.

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written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara Illustrations GET!]

The package has finally arrived. I have finally gotten my hands on the artbook of one of my most recent favorites, Shugo Chara. Mind you I have never bought an artbook before, so this is a first. You could say this is my hatsutaiken. Though I gladly did it for Amu-chan.

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written by astrobunny \\ 4koma, amulet heart, art book, artbook, chara, illustrations, peach pit, shugo

Picture 1 in [Fanboying over Shugo Chara]

Here's the first part of my marathon to catch up to Shugo Chara Doki! Lots of AMU!

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written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara!]

I can't believe this one flew past my radar! After remembering (for whatever reason) a line in Renai Blogger where Hinano goes about wanting a certain manga of Shugo Chara, and after seeing a blog post on T.H.A.T. involving Ikuto from Shugo Chara, I felt that it was one of those shows that weren't hyped up a lot but were really good.

How right I was...

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written by astrobunny \\