Just watched Transformers, so no time to blog about today. However, we got Nagato again! In chibi form this time in Part 5.
Oh I just realized. It's the last post in June! OMG! I... I err like to thank everyone for reading my blog ^_^; Let us now welcome July! yay!!!! *applause and fireworks* TAMAYAAAAAAAAAAA
written by astrobunny \\
It's hard to picture so many small Nagatos at a time. But Asahina's clumsiness, is something of a given.

written by astrobunny \\
A Haruhiist has made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Nishinomiya Town. This town is located somewhere in Kansai near Hyougo. It is the place where Haruhi Suzumiya (a.k.a. "God") lives/lived in the animated series, and this devout pilgrim has had the honor and privilege to make it to this most sacred town to worship and admire the consecrated grounds itself! Pray to Haruhi that I may someday have the opportunity too to follow the stars of Orihime and Hikoboshi to pay tribute myself to Her.
Okay enough religious talk for now. This site is a site created by a fellow who made the trip around Nishinomiya and took photos of the places used in the scenes of the animated series, and placed the photos side by side with the scenes used. The artists who drew the animated series Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu apparently chose somewhere close to home to set the scenes for the unfolding of the story. (if you didn't know, they are from Kyoto Animation) They took photos of many many places and placed the characters nicely into the scenes to tell the story almost exactly the way it was told in the novel. It's quite impressive how closely the artists followed the images. Some were apparently changed a bit to make drawing easier and to make the scenery prettier. Some photos aren't quite the same because the seasons were probably different, but I gotta give this guy credit for doing all that. I have no idea how much time he spent just trying to find the place of interest, but it was probably an incredible amount of time and effort. Kudos to the fella.
Groove coverage was right. God is a girl.
written by astrobunny \\
If you have read number 1 and 2, you SHOULD get this joke.
written by astrobunny \\
OMG now I realized just how much time I sit at home watching silly anime episodes all day. I ain't fit in any sense at all! This afternoon and morning was spent up at Mount Hutt snowboarding. I must admit its still only one of the first few times I've snowboarded. 3 times last year? Fuh. Nothing to bring me up to speed. I fell a million times today and my butt hurts. Looks like I'm built to be a hikkikomori after all... Here are a few pictures for you to see what I was looking at all day. Yes. it's snow duh. I think everyone will agree that my ability to take photographs is on par with my ability to snowboard.

written by astrobunny \\
Here's Konagato part 2! Its a continuation from thiscomic strip.

written by astrobunny \\
I haven't posted for the past 2 days now because of some social commitments I had to make. >_<; Just when I thought I could be a hikkikomori again. Damn. I got home like 12 last night after after-badminton dinner. Gosh I could have sworn I would have eaten a car if I didn't get my dinner that night. It was so cold that my body's metabolism was flooring the throttle. But that wasn't enough, I had to add some heat with my wonderful little gas heater.
All you regulars to my site would notice by now, that quite a lot of morphing has been going on with this website. Indeed. It's me trying to get a new theme to fit on this page. It's like buying clothes for your kids (not that I know what its like) I guess. You gotta choose one really cute one, and then customize and fit it till it matches. Since I don't have an experimental version on my computer (I guess I should), I thought I'd just do all the testing live anyway.
Oh, and I must introduce this cool girl that I vectored just moments ago. Her name is Iwasaki Minami, and she's got the same blood type as I do!! XD. No prizes for guessing which anime she comes out from. If I get all the Lucky Star characters vectored I might do a wallpaper! Well, that is if anyone is keen to see one. What do you guys think?
written by astrobunny \\
New anime figures come out almost daily. Some that I recognize and some that I don't. Some are quite nice, some are fugly as the bird goo that dropped on my car a few days ago. However, anime figures have recently caught my eyes, as some of them are actually quite good-looking. They almost bring the character to life. The four pictures of this post are pictures of figures from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu. And God they look frigging awesome.
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written by astrobunny \\
I'm sure everyone has heard of this "alien" and object of admiration of geeks and computer programmers, and savior of the day (usually). Sheis Yuki Nagato from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, just in case you guys still don't know. Why did I decided to post this picture? I dunno. I did it on a whim. Possibly because she hacked the Computer Club's dodgy game and killed Asakura Ryoko during the fight to save Kyon. Or maybe its because she is the object of all lolicon fantasies and (don't get me wrong, I'm not one of them ^_^;) has her own figure selling on Amazon for 5000+ yen. Whatever awesomeness she potentially possesses, one thing is for certain. Hundreds and hundreds of doujinshi out there is about her and sometimes her and Kyon, which I'm not particularly fond of, since I am a KyonxHaruhi fan. However, I've posted some random comics of her, when I never managed to write a post like yesterday. However, I don't feel particularly motivated today because it is cold and I have a room to tidy up, computer(s) to reformat, DVDs to burn and anime to translate. So going out today wasn't such a good idea after all o.o. Oh well, at least I got to have Nasi Lemak again today. so here's another comic to keep you all entertained

written by astrobunny \\
Today I've come across some really interesting things while translating Negima!? and I realized that, hell, I don't think we can live without this eh. Well what's it? Well you guessed right. It's how Japanese people pronounce their dates. Ever wondered how you wanna impress a Japanese girl by telling her your birthday in Japanese? Or even your horoscope? Well, this post is all about that.
Continue reading »written by astrobunny \\