Finally, the holidays. The weekend was admittedly, wasted on LAN parties and outings. Phew. My holidays however, are pretty much pseudoholidays. Which means that I still gotta do lots of work, but I've got a bit more free time to myself now. I'm sure most uni students feel the same way about midterm breaks. Come to think of it, I'd rather be doing work than bore myself away with useless stuff like games. Well, for one thing, I get to do stuff I was constantly thinking of doing during the busy assignments week and now I actually get the time, so I've done another banner for the site. See if you're lucky enough to notice it. Don't bother refreshing the site too often. wp-cache works quite well to prevent you from constantly pulling images off the server that you already have.  Anyways, expect consistent posts once again, coz my timetable during holidays are most unlikely to get messed up.

written by astrobunny \\