Alright. So I was walking by ineser's room today and heard some "dungam gundam" sounds and decided to check it out. Looks like he got his hands on some new anime again. However, this one was pretty special. For one thing, its got a really *cough*catchy name. I mean, (I'm gonna rant now) WTF IS KISS DUM!? When I first heard the name I was like LMAO and ROFL and OMGWTFBBQ and all the abbreviations related to surprise, shock and strangeness. I'm gonna jump the guy who gave that name to an anime I mean seriously... before I heard that I thought Manabi Straight was a bad name, or Hidamari Sketch or something like that, but seriously this one jumped right to the top of my WTF list. I guess an era is coming where all anime will have at least one English, or European word in it.
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written by astrobunny \\