Picture 1 in [Made in Hong Kong]

So Jenova was an alien. Well, I guess its true in a way from the Japanese point of view...

written by astrobunny \\ 7, all rights reserved 1996, fantasy, ff7, final, jenova, queer, squer company limited

Picture 1 in [The Adventures of a Civil Servant]

I often ponder at the level of complexity our society has achieved, that whole buildings and large amounts of resources get spent on training and hiring people just to manage the collection, distribution and storage of resources of our country. While most of us are familiar with government red tape, this anime gives us a refreshing look at what happens behind the counter at a government department in Japan.
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written by astrobunny \\ anime, baby, bunny, civil, department, hasebe, lucy, servant, servant x service, service, welfare, win, yamagami

Picture 1 in [Heart Lab]

The only reason this anime stands out to me is its extremely liberal use of the butt-like shape we all know is used to represent love.
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written by astrobunny \\ girls, handkerchief, heart, heart coming out, heart eyes, heart shape, hearts, hearty, lesbian, love, love lab, maki, natsuo, riko, yuri

Picture 1 in [Free!?]

The opening of this show looks like a sports drink commercial. Why did you do this to us Kyoto Animation? This seems to represent a new attempt at luring a demographic that's completely alien to anime. As usual however, the stunning visuals and incredible graphics that have been hallmarks of Kyoani for the past decade haven't gone elsewhere yet, and the show is actually surprisingly fun to watch.
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written by astrobunny \\ cat, cute, free, girls, gomakashita, high school, kyoani, moe, opening, sports, swimming, teacher

Picture 1 in [Dat Feeling]

When I buy something online, and it magically arrives on my doorstep.

written by astrobunny \\ ecstasy, ga, imouto, kawaii, konnani, nai, no, online, ore, oreimo, shopping, wake