Picture 1 in [Kagami Birthday Shrine Visit]

Its that time of year again when we make a trip down to Kagami's hometown and visit the shrine where she works at to celebrate her birthday.

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written by astrobunny \\ birthday, cake, celebration, ema, figma, hiiragi, kagami, shrine, tanabata, tsukasa, washinomiya, wishes

Picture 1 in [Equatorial Adventures 4]

Back to talking about my trip to Singapore before last week. That night we went to a nice little restaurant called Ikoi (relaxation) in a Hotel Miramar somewhere on the island.

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written by astrobunny \\ a380, agedashi, airport, awesome, chawan, eclipse, figma, food, golden, ikoi, ikura, japanese, kagami, lime, loli, lunar, meat, miramar, mushi, mushroom, nice boat, obinmushi, ooga, raw, salmon, shia, singapore, soup, temaki, tofu, tomato, tyrannosaurus, wasabi

Picture 1 in [Trip To The Equator]

Last week I travelled to the equator in a commercial jet that had a logo that resembled multiple less than signs and a glyph. It was a long flight due to the distance between the moon and Earth. After a long tiring few days of running around and meeting people in Singapore and Malaysia, I can finally blog about this trip.

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written by astrobunny \\ , akai, barrage, bay, bj0rn, bunny, camera, changi, dakimakura, drossel, figma, flying, food, friends, funan, helix, iphone sucks, julius, kagami, kagami is love, kite, kueh tiaw, marina, nice boat, ogatarina, photoshoot, plane, plane food, reimu, scenery, shia, singapore, stone, tragic, under the bridge

Picture 1 in [More Light Box Pictures]

Today I took some pictures on my lightbox with my 70-210mm tele lens to see how well it does with closeup photography. Behold our tsundere princess in all her 3 figma forms!

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written by astrobunny \\ 70-210, close up, factory, figma, figure, figures, hiiragi, kagami, kurimu, light box, lightbox, max, photo, sakurano, shakugan no shana, tele, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Today in Mai HQ]

Today, I came home to find the usual figma infestation on my table.

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written by astrobunny \\ asuka, drossel, fate, figma, figma everyday, haruhi, kagami, mai hq, messing around, messy, nanoha, seto, shakugan no shana, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Stupid phone]

Ok so today I suddenly acquired something I never thought I would actually get. It was actually because my last phone died a painful and horrible death. Kagami was pretty excited about my new keitai for some reason. I thought Japanese people weren't impressed by the iPhone?

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written by astrobunny \\ 3gs, driver, fail, figma, iphone, kagami, sucks, summer, uniform, unsigned, white

Picture 1 in [Summer Flowers with Kagami]

Not too long ago me and Kagami came here in springtime. Now, a completely different set of flowers grew to take the places of the early bloomers. For those of you in tropical countries, contrary to popular belief, summertime is no less colourful than spring. Kagami reports.

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written by astrobunny \\ 50mm f/1.8, figma, flower, flowers, garden, hiiragi, kagami, mona, rose, roses, summer, summertime, sunflowers, vale

Picture 1 in [Happy New Year!]

I was in the cathedral square last night along with a crowd of people watching Black Velvet's New Year Concert and the countdown to this year. Of course, Kagami the stowaway followed me.

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written by astrobunny \\ 2010, andrew, black, cathedral, christchurch, end, event, festival, figma, harpman, kagami, new, square, summer, velvet, year

Picture 1 in [Figma Channel: Midsummer Nights]

Kagami: Ahhh... summer is great. The wind is warm, the sun shines all day and you don't have to hug at your scarf and breathe like a dragon.

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written by astrobunny \\ channel, documentary, figma, kagami, summer, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Tonight In My Room]

Kagami saw something I really didn't want her to see. But it was clearly HER fault messing with someone else's phone. I mean, why do you mess with someone else's private belongings, its not like gave permission or anything... >.>

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written by astrobunny \\ doujin, figma, hiyori, kagami, kurimu, my room, random, tsukasa