Picture 1 in [Trip To The Equator]

Last week I travelled to the equator in a commercial jet that had a logo that resembled multiple less than signs and a glyph. It was a long flight due to the distance between the moon and Earth. After a long tiring few days of running around and meeting people in Singapore and Malaysia, I can finally blog about this trip.

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written by astrobunny \\ , akai, barrage, bay, bj0rn, bunny, camera, changi, dakimakura, drossel, figma, flying, food, friends, funan, helix, iphone sucks, julius, kagami, kagami is love, kite, kueh tiaw, marina, nice boat, ogatarina, photoshoot, plane, plane food, reimu, scenery, shia, singapore, stone, tragic, under the bridge

Picture 1 in [Off to Auckland!]

Akari's going to bring me to a doujin event there.

written by astrobunny \\ akari, aria, doujin, fly, go, gondola, overload, plane