Picture 1 in [Doujin Overload 2010]

Doujin Overload again! This year I was much less of a stalker and more of a seller, and only thanks to a trusty sidekick was I able to run around with a knifecamera and find more gold for myself!

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written by astrobunny \\ 2010, amane, aya, black, black rock shooter, cirno, collateral, cosplay, damage, death, doujin, eyecancer, figurines, graphic novel cafe, haruhi, hatsune, kagami, kagamiku, marisa, miku, misa, nagato, note, overload, reimu, rock, shameimaru, shooter, studios, touhou, tsukasa, world is mine, yakumo, yukari

Picture 1 in [Trip to Auckland]

I am currently on what is fast becoming an annual trip to Auckland to attend Doujin Overload. This year instead of TragicComedy, I will be manning the Collateral Damage Studios booth in Doujin Overload. However, the event is tomorrow. Today I just came to Auckland to chill.

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written by astrobunny \\ auckland, city, doujin, glitter, hotel, hyatt, louis vuitton, night, office, overload, sky tower, trip

Picture 1 in [Thanks for all the fish]

I didn't expect my last blog post to be embraced with such a warm response, and I would like to thank Tadano Suki, Nakano Azusa, Katherine Williams, Tuna, Kimura Reiko, Tiara, Suna, Sylvia, Kate, Rita and Sancta for posting all those constructive comments from the same IP address.

I'd like to say that I really enjoyed the event, and the cosplayers were a lot of fun too. I'm not sure why the spammer got so hot and bothered about what I said about the cosplayers because its true, but I'll let it say what it must to get over it. For those of you who were awesome, kudos. To those of you who failed, just try harder and earn a place of praise in my future posts.

And to the one I bought posters from, you're awesome ;). See you at Armaggeddon.

written by astrobunny \\ 2009, auckland, doujin, kagamine, len, nz, overload, rin, rofl, spam, spammers fail more than failplays, troll, vocaloid

Picture 1 in [Doujin Overload 2009]

This weekend I made a trip up to Auckland to have a look at Doujin Overload, an attempt made by a small anime shop and aspiring anime artists to cultivate a culture of doujin creation similar to the one in Japan, where the Comic Market comes to mind.

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written by astrobunny \\ artists, auckland, collateral damage, creative, dola-nz, doujin, epic, event, fail, failgato, failkuru, failruhi, fan, fanboy, figures, miki, mugi, overload, shugo chara, su, suiseiseki, talent, to heart, win, yukata

Picture 1 in [Off to Auckland!]

Akari's going to bring me to a doujin event there.

written by astrobunny \\ akari, aria, doujin, fly, go, gondola, overload, plane