Picture 1 in [Armageddon Christchurch 2010]

Second day of Armageddon and the queue that was characteristic of the even yesterday was gone. Today lots of people were already inside by the time we arrived. Somehow.

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written by astrobunny \\ 2010, akatsuki, anime, armageddon, batgirl, christchurch, cirno, haruhi, itachi, kagami, macross, mario, marisa, new zealand, nz, pee, ramen, ranka, reimu, sayonara, sensei, stage, superman, touhou, video, wookie, zetsubou

Picture 1 in [Thanks for all the fish]

I didn't expect my last blog post to be embraced with such a warm response, and I would like to thank Tadano Suki, Nakano Azusa, Katherine Williams, Tuna, Kimura Reiko, Tiara, Suna, Sylvia, Kate, Rita and Sancta for posting all those constructive comments from the same IP address.

I'd like to say that I really enjoyed the event, and the cosplayers were a lot of fun too. I'm not sure why the spammer got so hot and bothered about what I said about the cosplayers because its true, but I'll let it say what it must to get over it. For those of you who were awesome, kudos. To those of you who failed, just try harder and earn a place of praise in my future posts.

And to the one I bought posters from, you're awesome ;). See you at Armaggeddon.

written by astrobunny \\ 2009, auckland, doujin, kagamine, len, nz, overload, rin, rofl, spam, spammers fail more than failplays, troll, vocaloid

Picture 1 in [Armaggeddon Expo 2009 Christchurch]

Today me and my friends attended a fledgling quasi-anime-oriented convention since it was the only one that had full-fledged cosplay events and big crowds and stalls with decent amount of stock with anime-related stuff. This is the third time its been held here in Christchurch. I wrote a short post on the one last year too.

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written by astrobunny \\ armaggeddon, bleach, christchurch, chrome dokuro, convention center, cosplay, expo, final fantasy, fraulein, gatling, guns, hentai, hitman reborn, kyon, manga, nagato, naruto, new zealand, nice boat, nz, pulp, rei ayanami, revoltech, sakura, star wars, toheart, vader