Picture 1 in [Armageddon Christchurch 2010]

Second day of Armageddon and the queue that was characteristic of the even yesterday was gone. Today lots of people were already inside by the time we arrived. Somehow.

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written by astrobunny \\ 2010, akatsuki, anime, armageddon, batgirl, christchurch, cirno, haruhi, itachi, kagami, macross, mario, marisa, new zealand, nz, pee, ramen, ranka, reimu, sayonara, sensei, stage, superman, touhou, video, wookie, zetsubou

Picture 1 in [Loot from Tokyo]

I finally got around to unpacking my suitcase which was completely filled with my figures. Besides the 12 books of doujins I got from the upstairs of Toranoana, one of my favorite shops in Akihabara. I also peered up the many stairwells to find figures that I could not find on online sites that struck my fancy, and I came across quite a few.

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written by astrobunny \\ aka-chan, akihabara, box, calendar, figures, frontier, gotoku, hatsune, hayate no gotoku, japan, lucky, macross, miku, nakano, no, ranka, seitokai, shakugan no shana, star, tokyo, toranoana

Picture 1 in [Nyan Nyan 17]

This week's Nyan Nyan is an all new episode of awesome moeloli tsundere explosions, big beautiful explosions of Reaction missiles and best of all, Ranka's REVENGE. This episode continues to show why Macross Frontier is just so fucking awesome.

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written by astrobunny \\ alto, fold, frontier, grace, hikou, macross, new opening, nyan, ozma, quartz, ranka, seikan, sheryl, sms, vajra, variable fighter

Picture 1 in [Macross Frontier 11]

This episode is a little less exciting than the rest. Though Ranka being an old man is a twist of things. This episode is basically a fanservice/filler episode with an unusual amount of swimsuit and lingerie scenes crammed wherever the story permits. This episode basically celebrates Ranka's success as an idol and starts doing lots of publicity jobs like photoshoots and doing performances towards her first live performance at the dragon stadium.

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written by astrobunny \\ alto, foldpack, frontier, idol, macross 11, nyan nyan, photoshoot, ranka, sheryl

Picture 1 in [Ranka won an Oscar]

Episode 10 continues to remind us why Macross Frontier is so awesome. In this episode, we see a Macross Zero movie in the making on one of Macross Frontier's ships. I start to wonder how ironic making a movie of your own universe is, but I guess the guys in the macross universe could call it "a true story". This episode is packed with Ranka vs Sheryl antics really pulls up the tension between the two, as well as bringing out Alto's acting past.
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written by astrobunny \\ aimo, alto, alto-hime, episode 11, macross frontier, nome, oscar, ranka, ranka lee, sheryl