Picture 1 in [Kagami Birthday Shrine Visit]

Its that time of year again when we make a trip down to Kagami's hometown and visit the shrine where she works at to celebrate her birthday.

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written by astrobunny \\ birthday, cake, celebration, ema, figma, hiiragi, kagami, shrine, tanabata, tsukasa, washinomiya, wishes

Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Kagami and Tsukasa!]

Its that time of year again! Happy Birthday! Also, Happy Tanabata!

written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Kagami and Tsukasa!]

written by astrobunny \\ 7th july, birthday, hiiragi, kagami, sisters, tanabata, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [I see someone familiar]

Hey guys, did you notice the guy standing next to Yamanaka Sensei Sawa-chan-sensei?

Picture 2 in [I see someone familiar]

Well, it's not like I'm really acquainted to him or anything but, doesn't he look astonishingly like Kagami's dad?

Maybe K-ON is set in a period of time several years before Lucky Star, when one of Kagami's elder sisters attended Sakuragaoka High.

Picture 3 in [I see someone familiar]

And Azusa is so awesome. I'm a big fan. =DDDD

written by astrobunny \\ awesome, azusa, hiiragi, k-on, lookalike, lucky, nakano, star

Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Kagami and Tsukasa!]

Today I bought a cake for the Hiiragi sisters to celebrate their birthday. We invited some close figmas to join the party too.

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written by astrobunny \\ 7 july, burn, cake, candle, cupcake, disaster, drossel, fire, hiiragi, kagami, konata, kusakabe, lucky figmas dont have to eat, miyuki, tanabata, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Halswell Quarry]

Lately I've become more and more of an outdoors guy. I guess you change when you fall in love with someone and decide to spend more of your free time with that special someone. Hence, I decided that this weekend, I would bring Kagami out on another trip to one of the numerous parks in Christchurch.

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written by astrobunny \\ bridge, christchurch, halswell, hiiragi, hike, izumi, kagami, konata, lake, lucky star, new zealand, outdoors, outing, petanque, photo, quarry, real life, sunny, tsukasa, wall

Picture 1 in [Danny Choo Stole My Precious Thing]

Danny stole my cosplaying Kagamin. Just as I was wondering where she went a month ago, I found her here...

She even dyed her hair...

written by astrobunny \\ cosplay, danny, kagami

Picture 1 in [Figma Channel: Midsummer Nights]

Kagami: Ahhh... summer is great. The wind is warm, the sun shines all day and you don't have to hug at your scarf and breathe like a dragon.

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written by astrobunny \\ channel, documentary, figma, kagami, summer, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Mysterious box]

Drossel found a mysterious box today. And the logical way to kill schrodinger's cat is to let it out of the box. And so Drossel set out to opening the box to find out its contents...

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written by astrobunny \\ bowl, drossel, kagami, nice, nice bowl, shima, shimabowl, shimapan, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Today in Mai Room]

Looks like Kagami and Tsukasa got to my new battery and SD card before I even had a chance to look at the packaging. Yes. One must prepare to record history before his travels, because one will never know what archaeologist in the distant future may discover a certain civilization of the past that idealized hair tied on both sides of the head and pleated skirts.

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written by astrobunny \\ camera, cosplay, drossel, kagami, lucky, miyuki, sd, star, tsukasa, yutaka