Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Kagami and Tsukasa!]

Today I bought a cake for the Hiiragi sisters to celebrate their birthday. We invited some close figmas to join the party too.

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written by astrobunny \\ 7 july, burn, cake, candle, cupcake, disaster, drossel, fire, hiiragi, kagami, konata, kusakabe, lucky figmas dont have to eat, miyuki, tanabata, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Christmas Preparations]

Everyone's really busy today trying to get stuff tied up for friday!

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written by astrobunny \\ drossel, figma, fraulein, haruhi, hiyori, kagami, kyon, kyonko, len, miyuki, nendo, rin, ryouko, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Lucky Star Pilgrimage: The Journey to Kasukabe]

Its one of those times when you leave on a trip and everything goes haywire. My site was down for two whole days and that made me go WTF all night for the past two nights because I couldn't tell anyone how much fun it was on my blog. But I can finally do that today. I went on the legendary Lucky Star pilgrimage through Kasukabe and Washinomiya because I love Kagamin.

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, high, journey, kasukabe, konata, kyoei, lucky, miyuki, pilgrimage, ramen, real life, school, star, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Today in Mai Room]

Looks like Kagami and Tsukasa got to my new battery and SD card before I even had a chance to look at the packaging. Yes. One must prepare to record history before his travels, because one will never know what archaeologist in the distant future may discover a certain civilization of the past that idealized hair tied on both sides of the head and pleated skirts.

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written by astrobunny \\ camera, cosplay, drossel, kagami, lucky, miyuki, sd, star, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Monster Drop for this month]

Haruhi saw a monster drop a big box of loot in my room today while I was at work, so she decided to drag Kyon along to help her with it.

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written by astrobunny \\ aegis, boxes, drossel, figma, haruhi, kagami, kyon, loot, miyuki, new, small, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Figma Channel: 3D and 2D?]

Kagami : You know, I wonder why some people keep going after voice actors nowadays. Some voice actors are even becoming as famous as the anime characters that they voice.
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written by astrobunny \\ 2d, 3d, anime, channel, character, figma, kagami, miyuki, voice actor

Picture 1 in [Lucky Star Band]

My very own 軽音楽部 (keiongakubu).

written by astrobunny \\ band, bass, drum, guitar, kagami, konata, lucky star, miyuki, piano, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Don't be discouraged from blogging]

Before I start, I'm sure most of you have noticed the extra column on the right side. I'm drawing up a few new additions for this site, such as a badly needed gallery, perhaps a flash portal and some other cool things I always wanted to have on my own website. I've been setting up sites as long as I can remember. My biggest problem was maintenance. I never had the discipline nor the committment to actually keep a site running constantly. Because of not having updated a site for a long time, I became discouraged and stopped updating anyway, and it just kept falling in on itself until I eventually abandoned the site. Eventually the site would be taken down, and all traces of it vanish into the mists of history.

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written by astrobunny \\ blogging, bugs bunny, computer, discouraged, kagamine, miyuki, nagato, rin