One of the new stuff out of TV was Coppelion, and I found it amusing how this show can come out in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. Tragedy seems to be a common staple in anime these days, mixed mostly with bright and detailed backdrops. Personally I didn't think very much of the show and the anime actually had a lot less soul to it than the manga.
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written by astrobunny \\ aftermath, aoi, contamination, coppelion, disaster, engineering, genetic, ibara, taeko, tokyo, unspecified contamination
Today I bought a cake for the Hiiragi sisters to celebrate their birthday. We invited some close figmas to join the party too.
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written by astrobunny \\ 7 july, burn, cake, candle, cupcake, disaster, drossel, fire, hiiragi, kagami, konata, kusakabe, lucky figmas dont have to eat, miyuki, tanabata, tsukasa
![Picture 1 in [NO MAFUYU NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KILL KEN KILL KEN KILL KEN KILL KEN KILL KEN KILL KEN KILL KEN]](/images/wp-uploads/2009/12/wpid-SS-Eclipse_Seitokai_no_Ichizon_-_11_1024x576_h264_190B2E1D_0-500x281.jpg)
written by astrobunny \\ 去死, くぁwせdrftgyふじこlp;, そんなまさか, 予想外の展開, 地獄へ落ちろ, コロセ!, ゆめだよね, bakana, confessed, destroy, die, disaster, 逝ってよしキー君, ken, kokuhaku, mafuyu, masaka, matilah, nani yo sore, no, noooooooooooooooooo, omg, plz die, seitokai, stab, sugisaki, yan, yume dayo ne, 死ね