Picture 1 in [Kyou After]

Finally, KyoAni answered our prayers and gave us a nice little Kyou episode. Although I wished they'd make it longer, like a movie or something instead of just a short 23 minute episode. Even so, despite being a full episode, it wasn't really as touching as the Tomoyo episode. It was missing some kind of magic. Even so, I'm still happy to be able to see Kyou one more time.

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written by astrobunny \\ after, clannad, episode, kyou, love triangle, short hair, twins, win

Picture 1 in [We got trolled by CLANNAD]

I don't get it! I really don't get it! Wha...? What? So what happened to Ushio? Wait, so we spent 5 emotional episodes for NOTHING? So this episode just like, NEGATED all those previous episodes? Now Nagisa's just ALIVE and WELL and so is Ushio? So... what...? I don't get it. Is this another world or something? Wait, hold on, are we changing stories now? Like did Okazaki take a different route or something during the birth of Ushio or something? SOMEONE TELL ME I DON'T GET IT!

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written by astrobunny \\ after story, clannad, furukawa, nagisa, okazaki, resurrection, strange, tomoya, ushio, weird


It is accomplished.

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written by astrobunny \\ after story, clannad, death, okazaki, snow, ushio

Picture 1 in [Clannad 20: Girls and Aliens]

First of all I'd like to express how much I lol'ed at this scene, and how aliens was the subject of the conversation there. The gags in this series are just ingenious.

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written by astrobunny \\ clannad, fujibayashi, fuuko ibuki, kyou, okazaki, ushio

Picture 1 in [CLANNAD 18]

I agree with Fate and Nanoha. Ushio really is cute. She is the cutest thing ever since Mei-chan in CLANNAD. One comes to wonder if all anime, solemn or not, intentionally or not, is doomed to have some kind of harem involved, and a harem for one guy at that. And the worst part is, the guy doesn't know how lucky he is. This post is only about Ushio btw, and is just a collection of images for those who are inclined to stare deep into our newborn heroine's eyes.

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written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [CLANNAD love]

KyoAni has a way of bringing comedy, drama and romance together in a nice little side story that is good enough to have a book of its own. This week and the last's are on a story about a long lost romance and a Fuuko-esqe presence that involved a cat and Misae. Yes, a cat. Ever wondered how Misae came to be like this?

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written by astrobunny \\ after story 6, clannad, kanzaki, long ago, love, misae, mukashii, okazaki, shima, side story, spirit, story, yoshino

Picture 1 in [Sunohara "moe" Mei]

A few days into the release of CLANNAD After Story ep 3, and people still keep going on about how cute Mei is in the episode. Well, I really wonder what took everyone so long to realize she is unnaturally cute and loveable. I for one have noticed this since Mei first arrived when Nagisa was trying to protect Tomoya from Youhei.

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written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Furukawa Sanae]

This week's CLANNAD is once again, an outpouring of the very love and youthful springtime of the anime world! Well, not exactly youthful, but certainly full of love. Who would have ever thought one could fall in love with another's mom? Nagisa certainly is in a bad position when her mom is out dressing up and looking good in public.

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written by astrobunny \\ after story, akio, burumas, cat maid, clannad, cosplay, episode 2, housewife, maid, meido, meido cosplay, nagisa, nurse, nurse cosplay, police cosplay, sanae, sanae-chan, sanae-san, school uniform cosplay, serafuku, teacher, you're under arrest

Picture 1 in [New Theme, New Season, CLANNAD and a burumafest]

After a whole month of non-blogging, it seemed almost completely appropriate for a brand new theme to be put on a site. One month of searching for myself and doing all the real things in real life really brought me back to the ground, and helped me find all the things I always wanted from an anime in real life. But I'm not here to talk about my life. I'm here to say that it is AUTUMN! (And about the theme, yes I have become an ARIA fan. <3 Akari.)

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written by astrobunny \\ after story, baseball game, bat, bloomer, buruma, clannad, envy, gar, ichinose, kotomi, kyou, nagisa, ryou, yoshino

Picture 1 in [Clannad 24: Tomoyo's Part]

I have managed to get my hands on KyoAni's latest and last rendition of the CLANNAD series. If you haven't watched it, I suggest you don't read on because it will completely spoil the episode for you. Like, seriously. KyoAni has managed to overdo themselves and bring back the magic that gave life to Kanon and Haruhi. Much as my blogging skills suck, this is one show I cannot neglect to pay tribute to.

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written by astrobunny \\ 24, clannad, council, kyoani, love, magic, okazaki, relationship, sakagami, student, tomoya, tomoyo