Picture 1 in [Nico Birthday 2016]

It's Nico's birthday today so I decided to do something special. I originally wanted to make a cake, but decided an oven was too much to get for one cake so I decided I would buy a cake and put Nico on it. Since I wanted it to be really personal, I decided I would draw Nico myself. I then proceeded to make an image that I could use.

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written by astrobunny \\ 2016, µ's, birthday, chocolate, love live, nico, shrine, white, yazawa

Picture 1 in [Happy Valentine's Day]

I got a present from Saten. It was quite a surprise. I hope everyone's had a great Valentine's Day too! Also, to all of you who do celebrate it, Happy Chinese New Year!

written by astrobunny \\ blush, chocolate, original, ruiko, saten, valentine

Picture 1 in [Chocolate Azusa is Epic Win]

Picture 2 in [Chocolate Azusa is Epic Win]

Unlike some people who say "chocolate Azusa is fine too". I disagree. I feel that chocolate Azusa is EPIC WIN. Her chocolateness led me to several Azugasms over the course of the B-side of the episode. Let's just hope Azusa remains low on luminosity and high on hue in subsequent episodes!!

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written by astrobunny \\ azunyan, azusa, chocolate, indian, k-on, tan