Picture 1 in [Kagami Birthday Shrine Visit]

Its that time of year again when we make a trip down to Kagami's hometown and visit the shrine where she works at to celebrate her birthday.

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written by astrobunny \\ birthday, cake, celebration, ema, figma, hiiragi, kagami, shrine, tanabata, tsukasa, washinomiya, wishes

Picture 1 in [Kagami and Tsukasa's birthday at Washinomiya Shrine]

Today I and Kagamin went off to her old stomping ground in Washinomiya. The trip was a little long mostly due to the fax that someone's body decided to cause mayhem on the tracks and it took them an hour to clear it all up so the trains can run normally again without affecting the psychological health of any of the students commuting.

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written by astrobunny \\ birthday, cosmos, fukuhara, fureai, hiiragi, itasha, kagami, kaori, kigurumi, konata, miko, pilgrimage, road, shrine, trap, tsukasa, washinomiya

Picture 1 in [Hanami with Kagami Day 2]

Near where I live in Nerima, there is a little river called Shakujii River. Since this place is fairly far away from the city, its actually quite a bit cooler and so the trees haven't sprouted many leaves yet. I decided to have a little look at the blooming situation along this river of many bridges.
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written by astrobunny \\ 8mm, fujimidai, hanami, hiiragi, kagami, nerima, park, river, sakura, shakujii, someiyoshino, spring, yoshino cherry tree

Picture 1 in [Hanami with Kagami Day 1]

Today I and a couple of friends went down to Nakano to have a peek at the flowers blossoming. If you have been living under a rock, spring season is at its peak and the sakura season is well underway.

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written by astrobunny \\ 50mm, 8mm, arai, blossom, cherry blossom, chihaya, cute, egota, hiiragi, japan, kagami, kisaragi, makoto, matsuri, nade ushi, nakano, photography, red dress, sakura, sakura kisetsu, shinkai, train, twintails, win

Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Kagami and Tsukasa!]

written by astrobunny \\ 7th july, birthday, hiiragi, kagami, sisters, tanabata, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Melbourne Day 5]

My first time making Omurice before going out for sunset at the beach
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written by astrobunny \\ gyoza, kagami, karaage, melbourne sky line, omurice, photographs, ramen, saba, shot tower, sign, st kilda, sunset, tonkatsu, tram, tsukasa, umeshuu

Picture 1 in [Melbourne Day 4]

Just strolled around today around Flinders Street station. This is a picture post
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written by astrobunny \\ art, buildings, city, flinders, kagami, malvern, melbourne, modern, monuments, skyline, street, walking sun

Picture 1 in [Trip to Melbourne Day 1]

Headed to Melbourne today, because I felt like it. Kagami and Akai helped me out a lot with packing for this trip. The first today was of course, Christchurch airport, where I departed.
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written by astrobunny \\ airplane, airport, graffiti, hot n spicy, kagami, kfc, melbourne, monash, photos, southern cross, squareman, sunset, train station

Picture 1 in [New Brighton Again]

My friend AkaiWolf came down to visit me so I decided to bring him to a nice beach since it was a nice day and we noticed the sky reflected on the wet sand.

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written by astrobunny \\ beach, brighton, fun, hiiragi, kagami, kite, log, new, photos, reflection, salt on the pier, sky, torii, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [New Brighton Beach ~After~]

I paid a visit to my favorite beach again at New Brighton. Just walking down the beach with the wind in your face is the most awesome thing ever.

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written by astrobunny \\ 8mm, beach, brighton, evening, heaven, hiiragi, kagami, new, pier, playground, salt on the pier, sand, stairway, to, tsukasa, uwa