Picture 1 in [Nano goes to school]

I've never seen a girl so happy to go to school before. Its amazing how similar she looks to a person who got his first job. I'M FINALLY NORMAL!
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written by astrobunny \\ mio, nano, nichijou, normal, school, uniform, yakisaba, yakisoba, yukko

Picture 1 in [K-ON is so awesome its depressing]

And Yui looks like a walking comedy no matter what she does.

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, azusa, band, k-on, mio, mugi, ritsu, sawa-chan, yui

Picture 1 in [Hot days are hot]

I know very well how they feel. After living for years on end in a cold country like New Zealand, spending time near the equator where the temperature is a constant 30C is capable of driving people to extreme measures to cool themselves down.

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written by astrobunny \\ air con, attempts, azusa, cool, fan, heat, hot, ice, imagination, k-on, make believe, methods, mio, mugi, ritsu, summer, sun, sweat, swimsuit, yui

Picture 1 in [Difficult Truths: Some people never change]

I for one, am still the same person I was every certain sample period of years back. But that's besides the point. We all love to see a bit of what our K-ON girls were like back when they were little...

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written by astrobunny \\ change, k-on, mio, never, nodoka, personality, ritsu, truth, yui

Picture 1 in [Sora no Woto is Army K-ON]

Picture 2 in [Sora no Woto is Army K-ON]

The girl wants to play music and joins something. The girl is heta at her instrument of choice. The girl clips up one side of her bang. The girl is clumsy and unfocused. Coincidence? THIS IS K-ON!!!!

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written by astrobunny \\ bugle, fanservice, guitar, k-on, kanata, mio, no, pantsu, rio, sora, woto, yui

Picture 1 in [Saten looks like Mio but is nothing like her]

Picture 2 in [Saten looks like Mio but is nothing like her]

Same hair, same eyes, same build, completely different person. Its amazing how two people can appear so similar yet look so different. I believe that we humans have eyes that see further than just the skin.

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written by astrobunny \\ black eyes, black hair, genki, k-on, kagaku, mio, mio and saten, railgun, saten, science, sharp eyes, to aru, tsundere

Picture 1 in [A certain SCIENCE RAILGUN]

Despite this being just a spinoff of Toaru Majutsu no Index, I'm so looking forward to this because it emphasizes MISAKA. That's right. There's something about electricity that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. That's probably why I'm an electrical engineer.

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, epic, girls, judgement, kagaku, mikoto, mio, misaka, no, railgun, science, toaru, win

Picture 1 in [Red Arrow Marks the spot]

Mio was so traumatized by barnacles, that KyoAni went out of its way to allow fans to track her movements along the beach as she shouted in horror and ran all over the place.

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written by astrobunny \\ arrow, barnacles, k-on, mio

Picture 1 in [Mio is moe]

Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe Mio is moe

From pixiv

written by astrobunny \\ hat, kimono, maid, mio, mizugi, pantsu, santa, shima

Picture 1 in [Mio on floor]

A half-hearted attempt to learn how to draw twisted torso on floor and to join the ranks of Mio doujin artists. Please don't scream at me for not getting the guitar shape right...

written by astrobunny \\ k-on, mio, sad