For the Japanese, it's Tanabata today! 七夕おめでとう!So go hang your wishes outside on a bamboo stick! For the chinese, its on 26th August, so look out for it! Chinese Qi Xi and Japanese Tanabata are different in the sense that the Japanese people make wishes during Tanabata. Whereas the Chinese know it as a romantic festival, also called Chinese Valentine. The story is roughly the same where a princess from the sky met this cow farmer made the princess's father angry and separated them except for the 7th day of the 7th month. The Japanese celebrate it on 7th July, but the Chinese stick to tradition and celebrate it on the 7th of the 7th month in the lunar calendar. Chinese Valentine is hardly ever celebrated nowadays and it's a diminishing tradition, so everyone please get a bar of Ferrero Roche ready for your girlfriend or crush this season!

written by astrobunny \\