Yes. Today's comic really is about different intentions. People usually have some sort of motive to be your friend or to talk to you. It's only normal. I've taken it for granted nowadays. Everytime friendliness comes around it's got to have a reason. But I think that sometimes its okay not to take it too hard. It always is good to kindly accept the good and giving some back by being friendly.
Of course, one still has to be careful not to have to pay dearly for it. I remember this one time when I was approached by a friend from school. I haven't had a chat with him in a while so I thought I'd be a nice guy and be friendly. Apparently he then put his arm over my shoulder, making me think he wanted to pull out a joke or say some pun to cheer me up. Instead, he asked me for a favor. We had a test and he got really crap marks and was afraid his parents would see it. So he decided to ask for mine, change the name on it and show it to his parents. It seemed like an act of mercy at first, but I declined. It seemed, with him honesty wasn't the best policy and it would suck if I was going to be cheated the same way in return in the future. I told him to apologize to his parents and promise to do better next time. Whether he did it or not is another question.
So make sure, you stay an angel, but don't let anyone take advantage of you. It's always your call. Just depends on whether you realize it or not.
written by astrobunny \\
For the Japanese, it's Tanabata today! 七夕おめでとう!So go hang your wishes outside on a bamboo stick! For the chinese, its on 26th August, so look out for it! Chinese Qi Xi and Japanese Tanabata are different in the sense that the Japanese people make wishes during Tanabata. Whereas the Chinese know it as a romantic festival, also called Chinese Valentine. The story is roughly the same where a princess from the sky met this cow farmer made the princess's father angry and separated them except for the 7th day of the 7th month. The Japanese celebrate it on 7th July, but the Chinese stick to tradition and celebrate it on the 7th of the 7th month in the lunar calendar. Chinese Valentine is hardly ever celebrated nowadays and it's a diminishing tradition, so everyone please get a bar of Ferrero Roche ready for your girlfriend or crush this season!
written by astrobunny \\
Alright. I'd like to highlight today as the day which is very very unique in its own particular way. In the 2-digit date format, the month, year and day have the same number. But that's just aesthetic. What is really important about today is the birthday of 4 very important people in my life. First of all, it is my brother's 14th birthday. GIVE HIM A BIG CLAP! His MSN name suggests 7+7=14 so I guess that was a pun in its own special way. YES! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO~! Another important person is a friend I met on IRC whose nickname is KonoeKonoka. No he is not a girl. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY KONOKA! Another two are also very important people to otakus such as myself. These very special people are Kagami and Tsukasa, the Hiiragi twins from the anime series LUCKY STAR! I'd so give Kagamin a yellow ribbon since Konata already gave her a Brigade Chief Armband.That's it for today's birthday fanfare! I'd give more, but I don't really have an idea of how to make this great so I thought I'd give all of it a first mention. Alright, here is a picture of the two of them recieving flowers for their birthday:
Anyway, without further ado, on to the daily comic. Oh and my apologies for not providing a comic yesterday. This was due to unforeseen circumstances and friends whose invitations to go out are too good to refuse. GOME NASAI!!!!

written by astrobunny \\
Well, looks like judgement day is going to be coming sooner than expected. The second coming of the incredibly highly anticipated Suzumiya Haruhianime series has been made public on NewType Magazine. OMG! When I saw darkmirage and some other bloggers blog about it, I jumped. An immediate rush was made to the Japanese BBSes and sure enough, I found "ハルヒ2期今度こそ本当に決定!" (Haruhi second season is really official this time!) KyoAnihas not made any official announcement yet. I'd expect it to come soon though. since they need to update the TV Guides. The show is expected to air autumn this year.
I'm about to check the Pak Toh box on my msn message so, I'll do some translation once I get back. If people want it of course heh. Meanwhile, For those who can read moon:
And here are some images for you to ponder over while I'm away in the REAL WORLD.

written by astrobunny \\
So I managed to get first looks on the latest new anime episodes just aired in Japan, and I have mixed feelings about them. As I always say, judging an anime by its first episode is like judging a book by its cover. But usually, the cover will tell you what to expect, and it's not always wrong. Mind you these are just personal opinions which I just felt like telling everyone about. Feel free to comment.
Continue reading »written by astrobunny \\
Ever wondered how it sucks to have someone who knows a better way of doing something than you do? When that person tells you the error of your ways, sometimes it just makes you feel really stupid. I don't know about all of you but it sure pisses me off. I've just had my first looks at 2 new anime episodes that just aired on Tuesday. Will blog about it in the next post. It seems, this season has got something to offer after all!
written by astrobunny \\
LOL. I wonder if it's actually possible that a girl would think about an insect and still happily much away at something that probably looks like a caterpillar. Ewww... If I were Tsukasa, I'll stop thinking about it right away. I guess Konata is okay with these sorts of things tho. I mean seriously if her stomach is that strong, I don't think you'll frighten her with a simply a rubber lizard or anything.
written by astrobunny \\
Woot. Let us start this week with new things to anticipate! Lined up for us are
Continue reading »written by astrobunny \\
Okay. Here's the lowdown. This is why I want a Choco Coronet so badly.

written by astrobunny \\
Well, today is hardly a day with anything interesting. A failed choco coronet hunt actually marks this gloomy day that ended with some rain. Sigh...... However, its always nice to have some hot tea during a cold night and sit down reading Hyperion and/or watching a new series. What's bad is having a lingering feeling that you still got a project with lots of work cut out during the holidays. Oh well, I'm moving past that anyway, with today's coding session. Anyway, as promised, today we shall start with the Lucky Star comics! Today's 4 panels are Konata as a dashing girl!

written by astrobunny \\