Picture 1 in [Kyouran Kazoku Nikki]

Looks like another crazy anime has just come out. Kyouran Kazoku Nikki means the Diaries of the Mad Family, and the show has really lived up to its name since the first episode. It all starts off with this catgirl running around town in an Oliver Twist-esqe rampage of food collection, but starts to get random once this girl reveals who she really is. She meets Ouka Midarezaki (which contains the character 乱, which means mayhem or chaos) who appears to be a member of some random shadowy organization involved with finding stuff like UFOs or supernatural stuffs (Haruhi's dream). It turns out that a family has been organized to track down the child of a once great monster to kill it, and Ouka is bound to be the man of the house. ** there may be spoilers in this post **

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written by astrobunny \\