Picture 1 in [Haruhi-chan OP Lyrics]

I'm sure everyone has already warmed up quite nicely to Kadokawa's youtube airing of their short series Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu. To be honest, I think the comical and sktechy approach to it is a very nice change to KyoAni's magical production, and Haruhi being depicted as being clumsy and rushy is gaining popularity with me. Also, the OP (Imamade no Arasuji) is catchy too, and I am just a sucker for good OPs. And with Great OPs comes Great Lyrics. Lyrics after the break. (Don't get me wrong. The animators are STILL KyoAni)

The summary so far

Watch the OP here.

ニャーニャーニャンコロジーで人類 ニャン 取れた!
NYAA NYAA NYAA KORO JII de jinrui NYAA toreta!
Nyaa Nyaa Nyaa and while I'm at it *STARE* Omg its a human NYAA GOTCHA

例えば磁石、 砂の中には (アドヴェントパワー!)
tatoeba jishaku, suna no naka ni wa (ADOVENTOPAWAA!)
The sands got stuff like compasses in it! (ADVENT POWER!!)

uchuujin ga chikyuu jibu mitekita??
Can the aliens see the Earth Division??

小っちゃいと不便だ、 大きいの出してよ(でろー!)
chicchai to fuben da, ookii no dashiteyo (dero~!)
We're so insignificant and inconvenient, lets do something big (LETS GO)

戦艦ヤマト、 誰が動かして (てー!)
senkan YAMATO, dare ga ugokashite (te~!)
Who wants to move Battleship Yamato?

(SHABASHABADA) gyuunyu nonde
shabashabada lets drink milk

(SHABASHABADA) hayame ni shuushin
shabashabada and go to sleep early

(DABADABADA) otona wa kitto kossori henshin
dabadabada and the adults will secretly transform!

配信だ (さすが2ちゃん)
haishinda (sasuga 2chan)
ITS A TRANSMISSION (as expected of 2chan)

上等だ (いやお前がね)(死ぬ前に)
joutouda (iya omae ga ne) (shinu mae ni)
ITS SUPERB (NO YOU) (before you die...)

制服だ (俺が着ろと?) カメハメハー!)
seifukuda (ore ga kiru to?) KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAA!

メイド メイド 冥土の土産
MEIDO MEIDO meido no miyage
MAIDS! MAIDS! Gifts from the underworld!

そりゃもう シャングリラのそっくりさん!
sorya mou SHANGURIRA no sokkuri san!
Even they are just like Shangri-la!

TAIMU MASHIN tezukuri mashita
I've handmade a time machine

時を歩く少女 追いこした
toki wo aruku shoujo oikoshita
And I'm gonna chase the girl who walks through time

退屈 退屈 体育座りで
taikutsu taikutsu taiiku suwari de
I'm bored I'm bored Let's sit around during P.E.

hiza no nioi wa kagu to surimuita
I grazed my knee while I tried to sniff it

TAIMU MASHSIN hitori nori deshou
The time machine is a one-seater right?

rekishi nurikaetara soushuuhen!
I'll just change the past and you compile it!

written by astrobunny \\ いままでのあらすじ, haruhi, haruhi-chan, imamade no arasuji, kadokawa, lyrics, op, opening, theme, 歌詞, 涼宮ハルヒちゃんの憂鬱