Picture 1 in [Kotobukiya 1/8 Kureha Touka]

Okay, so about the prize that I won from the beNippon prize draw, I came home from work today and Haruhi and Tsuruya were already busying themselves with cutting the duct tape open. I gotta tell the mailman to put the stuff in a hard to reach place next time.

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written by astrobunny \\ kureha, shining wind, touka

Picture 1 in [I won a figure o.o]

Last week, my blog was the winner of the beNippon prize draw. First of all however, I'd like to thank all my readers for all their support in helping keep this blog alive! Thank you all so much! And thank you for your comments! And don't think I'll just leave it at that. I'll find a way to let you guys win something too! For now however, if you own a blog, you can always join this prize draw too by going to benippon.com and find out how you can make sure you have one of their banners on your site and that they know about it so they can enter you into the draw too. Finally, I'd like to thank beNippon for giving the chance to participate in the quest for suddenly acquired figures, and for giving me the choice of a very cute and very fappable figure.

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written by astrobunny \\ benippon, draw, figma, figure, online, prize, shakugan no shana, store, trusted, win

Picture 1 in [Figmas that I can't wait to be released]

There is a reason I'm a figma collector. The biggest reason being Max Factory seems to know exactly what I want. They will get their money once they start releasing more win. Hakurei Reimu is one of them, but I want them to announce a Reisen Udongein Inaba too!!

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written by astrobunny \\ 2009, anticipation, awesome, canaan, fate, figma, loli, love, nanoha, vita, wonfest

Some genital crushing is in order.

written by astrobunny \\ disregard, fail, irresponsible, mail, parcel, post

Picture 1 in [Mobip: Figma competition?]

I remember getting the Fraulein Revoltech Yuki even when I had the figma one. Thinking that Revoltech, a longtime maker of action figures would make something nice and decent too, I was instantly disappointed. Now comes another action figure brand from Aoshima called Mobip. At first glance, it looks like a very Chinese attempt to imitate figma's runaway success at producing anime action figures. But being fans of a similar action figure brand, let's have a closer look anyway.

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written by astrobunny \\ action figure, aoshima, busters, figma, imitation, kamikita, komari, little, little busters, mobip, natsume, rin

Picture 1 in [Loot post: Kagamiku Nendoroid]

So yesterday Seto's encounter with a box seems to have produced some monster drops. One of those monster drops was a Kagami cosplaying as Miku nendroid. I have said many times before that Kagamin's cosplay of Hatsune Miku is such absolute win, it might take another 1 billion years before another race dominates the Earth and creates something more moe than this. In other words, Seto has very high LUK. I should give her the +10 LUK brooch of Nehalem sometime.

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written by astrobunny \\ achoo, company, cosplay, good, kagami, kagamiku, kagamin, loot, mikku, miku, nendoroid, nuke, smile, sneeze

Picture 1 in [A wild box has appeared!]

Seto ran into an F.O.E. today. It was a box, treacherous and bigger than her. Unfazed, Seto cautiosly steps up and surveys the curious object...

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written by astrobunny \\ encounter, figma, kagami, kagamiku, meiya, miku, mitsurugi, nendoroid, signum

Picture 1 in [The Elephant in the Room]

"Gawd. Why'd they have to keep these huge and dangerous animals as pets?" says Nagi.
"I don't understand either, since they are alll huge and dangerous" says Maria.

It was, and still is amazing and shocking how often people ignore the elephant/tiger in the room. If I didn't know better I'd say this is satire for real life. An example comes out of the internet and webmaster talk itself. Many people talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization for those of you who aren't so inclined) of their websites. They hold conferences and talk about Yahoo, Google and Microsoft's search engines. The thing is, when people talk about search engines, they really only mean one thing. Google.

The fact that Google dominated this side of the internet so completely and so quickly is something most people cannot yet fathom. It's so great, so overpowering, like how dubs are so horrible, that it is in the rebellious nature of humans to deny it. No one really wants to admit it. But when I say search engine, the first thing that comes to mind, is Google no matter where you live.

written by astrobunny \\ elephant in the room, gotoku, hayate no gotoku, maria, nagi, no, tama

Picture 1 in [LOL @ Maid Isumi]

It looks like she plans to start a fight in that maid costume of hers. I wonder what she intends to do in that unwieldly and heavy dress.

written by astrobunny \\ gotoku, hayate no gotoku, isumi, maid, meido, no

Picture 1 in [Canaan intrigues me]

Our awesome heroine Canaan now has lost her ability to see color. Though I'm not sure what effect that would have on the story, it seems this little mishap has brought out her soft side.

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written by astrobunny \\ canaan, color, cool, flat chest