It turns out Kadokawa decided to finish off the anticipation with an awesome feature length movie of Tanigawa's masterpiece in the Suzumiya Haruhi line of novels. Although they did hint it to be after Sighs, I didn't think it wouldn't be part of the TV series. Oh well, looks like another cockblocker for us gaikokujin. As if the endless eight was not enough...

Thanks Ooga!

written by astrobunny \\ disappearance, haruhi, movie

Picture 1 in [Figma Golgo 13]

In the last post I said I got a figma Golgo. It was nicer than I expected, and comes with the biggest extra I've ever seen come with a figma. A di:stage basic set. I really didn't expect it until I noticed that the box was unusually thick. Then it occured to me that there was stuff behind the red background.

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written by astrobunny \\ assasin, bag, cool, figma, golgo, rifle, rin, sniper, tohsaka

Picture 1 in [Wallet has low HP.]

What made me chuckle today was Rin asking me what kind of drugs I was dealing to be able to get all these companions for her. I thought that that was pretty funny because I'm now way behind on making any figma comics lately. But since I've had a turn of events in RL, you'll see more coming in a bit.

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written by astrobunny \\ cheese, cheeze, churuya, di:stage, golgo, kagamine, lucky, nyoron, rin, seto, shakugan no shana, smoked, star, tsuruya

Picture 1 in [Seitokai no Neta]

This is a picture post. Comment to say what references to what. And I missed out a few can you guess which they are?

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written by astrobunny \\ epic, hayate no gotoku, ichizon, okazaki, references, seitokai, usoda, yuuutsu

Picture 1 in [Shugo Chara Party: 30 minute commercial?]

After watching Shugo Chara Party, I was horrified in more ways than one. Instead of once again becoming an even more awesome anime than ever, it turned into a really big commercial advertising songs and stuff, and is laced with a whole much of ads about Shugo Chara licensed toys, accessories, clothing and all sorts of other things. The ads weren't that big of a deal since they were already there since the beginning, but it seems now they are enroaching onto the anime's territory as well.

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written by astrobunny \\ advertising, blatant, chara, doki, dokki, fail, mediocre, new, op, party, pucchi, puchi, reused, scenes, season, shameless, shugo

Picture 1 in [A certain SCIENCE RAILGUN]

Despite this being just a spinoff of Toaru Majutsu no Index, I'm so looking forward to this because it emphasizes MISAKA. That's right. There's something about electricity that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. That's probably why I'm an electrical engineer.

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, epic, girls, judgement, kagaku, mikoto, mio, misaka, no, railgun, science, toaru, win

Picture 1 in [More Flowers with Kagami]

Today we visited the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, the biggest garden of trees and flowers you'll ever get here. Since the day was nice and sunny we decided stop playing mahjong and go out for a little bit of fresh air like all the other healthy kids out there.

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written by astrobunny \\ ahiru, bell, botanic, duck, fern, flower, garden, hanami, kagami, lucky, playground, sanpo, star

Picture 1 in [Kampfer reminds me of Shuffle]

Picture 2 in [Kampfer reminds me of Shuffle]

And the title reminds me of K-ON. Its apparently a harem anime about a bunch of girls fighting for an as of yet undisclosed reason (though I'm sure said reason must be a really good one >.>) Though, I only watch anime for the pretty girls who aren't shameless bitches and who actually talk softly.

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written by astrobunny \\ akane, bending, comedy, fighting, gay, gender, gun, harem, k-on, kam[fer, mishima, moe, natsuru, pseudo pseudo trap, trap, zauber

Picture 1 in [I Haet Computer]

A pair of failed RAM sticks, 2 nights of diagnostics, 4GB of RAM and over9000 hours of diagnostics later. I'm left with an OS I thought I'd never install *cough*vista*cough* and finding myself having to start from scratch with my software suite again. What a pain. Time to make BunnyBlogger more lightweight so I can use it without having to kick up the IDE.

written by astrobunny \\ computer, died, fail, loss, memory, ram, sian