Saten is so much love. The reason? Well I don't know. I guess its just because she's normal? Correct me if I'm wrong but for some reason she feels more real than any other character in Railgun.
On a side note, Small Moe Sensei makes a cameo this episode.
She's got black hair and dark eyes, so that's pretty normal. Her phone's a black flat candybar too, so that's pretty normal too. For some reason however, that stands out in my eyes.
Of course, I'm not the only one who admires Saten.
I love how she ignores everyone and just tries her best too. Its funny how its our failures and not our successes that push us forward.
And the Antiskill sensei also teaches us that our bodies lie to us and tell us to give up long before we've even warmed up yet.
So feeling tired is something everyone, even the fittest people experience.
Saten, usually the most talkative one, has also been unusually quiet today, staring into blank space and seeming to think very deeply about things.
I also love how she really reflects on what she's done, and is always open to what others are saying.
And because she's a Level 0 in a city full of espers, I can so relate to her being crushed by the immense pressure to succeed together with her peers in obtaining esper powers...
... and slowly, realizing that there are little things she can do now to work on that.
I wonder if its possible to write letters to her to tell her to keep trying her best.
She is my favorite character in Railgun, after all.