And I am liking it so much. Well, minus the ink splattered on vital body parts. The nice gritty feel and thick outlines give nice impact to a bunch of moe girls engaged in mortal combat. I like this a lot.
First of all, there's the crazy Tamaki lookalike that falls down from the sky and
Has a power level of OVER NINE THOUSAND (five million to be exact).
But then suddenly turns into this staple domestic moeblob.
And then there's the dresscopter. I bet you this is gonna be the next big thing the Department of Defense is gonna work on. Maids who can fly with helicopter blades fitted to skirt. Sounds very patentable.
Then there's the boy named MuneAkira. HAHAHAHA. I didn't know you had digicams in the Tokugawa period.
And then there's the tsundere princess, which doesn't look like much of a princess anyway. Is it just me or does anyone notice big sailor collars on nearly everything the girls in this show wear?
And there's the loli and the milf. I want yuri doujins of these two NAO.
Maid x Loli is fine too. Now all we need is just a bit less censoring and all will be right with this world.