Picture 1 in [Kaede is SO CUTE]

I didn't notice this before, but cat curse anime Nyankoi is suddenly growing on me! Kaede FTW. This episode is finally turning a nonsense anime into something watchable!!

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, blush, cat, conspiracy, dere, dog, junpei, kaede, lover, mizuno, nyankoi, plot

Picture 1 in [Macross Frontier 18]

This week's Macross Frontier shows where Sheryl was before her life as a star. The flashbacks showed a very very pitiful beggar girl foraging the slums and waste dumps for sustenance. Her hair was messy and her clothes were rags. She had no life to speak of until Grace brought her in, only to use her as a tool to further her accomplices' plans.

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written by astrobunny \\ aimo, alto, beggar, conspiracy, drugs, fighter, fold, frontier, grace, hind guns, leonard, macross, medicine, origins, sheryl, slums, vajra

Picture 1 in [What 'bout my star!?]

After watching Macross Frontier 15, I think that my suspicions that the Vajra attacks on Frontier is a conspiracy are confirmed. It seems there are perpetrators roaming the space between Frontier and Galaxy, and that the past distress communications, skirmish with the battleship from Galaxy, close encounters and the yellow-haired pretty boy were all pawns in a massive game of chess played by a bunch of wizards in Galaxy. It just begs the question... why? Why all the plans? Why all the effort to bring danger to Macross Frontier, the closest humans have come to towards the center of the Galaxy?

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written by astrobunny \\ alto, black hole, conspiracy, ecosystem, frontier, galaxy, grace, implants, macross, macross 15, macross frontier, ozma, president, queen, ranka lee, sheryl nome, suspicious, tsundere, vajra