Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Azunyan!]

It's November 11th again, and its Azunyan's birthday. I have never really posted to her birthday lately but this time it's different. She is 18 years old this year, and officially a legal adult now. Don't get me wrong, she is like a sister to me. (okay not quite) But her twintails are top class.

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written by astrobunny \\ 11th november, art, awesome, azunyan, azunyansan, azusa, birthday, cake, cat, cosplay, cute, nakano, pure love, pure win, twintails, win

Picture 1 in [Hanami with Kagami Day 1]

Today I and a couple of friends went down to Nakano to have a peek at the flowers blossoming. If you have been living under a rock, spring season is at its peak and the sakura season is well underway.

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written by astrobunny \\ 50mm, 8mm, arai, blossom, cherry blossom, chihaya, cute, egota, hiiragi, japan, kagami, kisaragi, makoto, matsuri, nade ushi, nakano, photography, red dress, sakura, sakura kisetsu, shinkai, train, twintails, win

Picture 1 in [Free!?]

The opening of this show looks like a sports drink commercial. Why did you do this to us Kyoto Animation? This seems to represent a new attempt at luring a demographic that's completely alien to anime. As usual however, the stunning visuals and incredible graphics that have been hallmarks of Kyoani for the past decade haven't gone elsewhere yet, and the show is actually surprisingly fun to watch.
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written by astrobunny \\ cat, cute, free, girls, gomakashita, high school, kyoani, moe, opening, sports, swimming, teacher

Picture 1 in [Everybody Loves Somebody]

Now we all know where Tamako's good looks came from. This little story has revealed much. We now know the extreme punomenon that caused this show to exist.
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written by astrobunny \\ 10th october, anko, cute, everybody, hinako, love, mamedai, market, mochizou, tamako

Picture 1 in [What is this I don't even]

written by astrobunny \\ bunny, cute, eiyuusenki, sir percival, tenco, weird

Picture 1 in [Menma is gone]

The way everyone acts is so lame. The premise is lame. Menma is so lame. But the show is so awesome.
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written by astrobunny \\ anohana, cute, disappear, end, menma

Picture 1 in [Victorica is so cute]

Its interesting how small girls like her just make you want to protect them. Their big eyes and heads make them even more lovable and that vulnerable look on their face could turn any monster into a knight in shining armor.
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written by astrobunny \\ avril, cute, detective, gosick, jealousy, kujo, loli, mystery, pure love, sweet tooth, sweets, tsundere, victorica, win

Picture 1 in [Kanata's Emergency]

Wow. Just wow. Ok this studio wins at moe. Kanata wins in the moe department. This is perfection! This is excellence! THIS IS SORA WOTO

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, cute, dress, emergency, epic, kanata, no, rio, sora, sorawoto, toilet, win, woto

Picture 1 in [Sakurano Kurimu is growing on me]

Ken is right. There are some things better off not growing up. One of them is our beloved pink haired Aka-chan, slowly overtaking Mafuyu in my books as favorite character of Seitokai.

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written by astrobunny \\ aka-chan, baby, chizuru, cute, favorite, ichizon, kurimu, lovable, mafuyu, mokyu, pettanko, sakurano, seitokai

Picture 1 in [Day 3 in Tokyo]

Thursday was such a wet and gloomy day, but despite that, we decided to go all out and visit the Tsukiji Fish Market anyway. But we failed and woke up at 5 a.m. and missed the fish auction.

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written by astrobunny \\ akiba, akihabara, cafe, car, cheesecake, coffee, cosplay, crab, cute, eel, fish, fuji, ghibli, kotobukiya, lawson, liberty, little black thing, loot, market, melonpan, mitaka, moe, museum, odaiba, of, sashimi, shell, statue, straw hat, sushi, tako, takoyaki, tokyo, tsukiji, tv