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Picture 1 in [Black Haired Shana figma EX002]

Dengeki has finally decided to get Max Factory to make a figma that has Shana's original form! This is a special edition figma though, which was only available via magazine order through Dengeki. I managed to get my hands on one though, through voodoo magic taught by the witches at world's end. She isn't EXTREMELY different from the red haired Shana, but its nice and refreshing to see a normal Shana once in a while.

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written by astrobunny \\ black hair, comparison, dengeki, ex002, exclusive, figma, katana, loli, max factory, shakugan no shana, shakugan no shana

Picture 1 in [Max Factory 1/8 Tsuruya-san]

I must say I have taken a liking to the background characters of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu. However, I didn't get this figure out of love, but rather I got it for quite a bargain. (2000 yen!) Since it was a Max Factory product, I said to myself: "why not". Its not everyday you see Max Factory's figures go for that kind of price. Hell even the figmas are more expensive.

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written by astrobunny \\ 1/8, figure, max factory, mikuru, nekomimi, pvc, statue, tsuruya

Picture 1 in [Red-haired Shana figma!]

This time I'm gonna review my newly opened Shakugan no Shana figma. I actually opened this at the same time I opened Hayate, but soon after I opened Hayate I was left with only an episode of Index before bedtime so I decided to postpone this post. The next few posts will be about my newfound collection of Lucky Star characters. I'm not sure how I should do those posts since there are 4 of them. I might just do them all at once now since this site is fast becoming a figma bragsite, and no longer an anime blog. However, this post would probably still matter because there are probably some of you out there who are still deciding on whether or not to spend 2500 yen on Shana.

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written by astrobunny \\ figma, figure, max factory, shakugan no shana, shakugan no shana

Picture 1 in [Kagamin Cosplay Figma GET]

It has recently come to my attention that Good Smile Company is in charge of building the latest object of my dreams. Kagami cosplaying Hatsune Miku could just become the fastest selling figma on record. Kagamin's popularity is no longer held to doubt as the tsundere, who finds akiba-keis profoundly repulsive, has been forced to cosplay another recent digital idol known as Hatsune Miku

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written by astrobunny \\ cosplay, figma, good smile company, hatsune, hiiragi, kagami, max factory, miku

Picture 1 in [Another Random Encounter]

So another box came in today and Haruhi and friends all came jumping down the side of the shelf to see who's the newcomer into the Grand Chamber. I told them to be patient and wait for me to slowly peel off this shipment document from the box, which came off surprisingly clean.

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written by astrobunny \\ fate, figma, figure, good smile company, harlown, haruhi, konami, mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha, max factory, nanoha, shakugan no shana, testarossa

Picture 1 in [Another Figma Shipment...]

I have managed to get my hands on more figmas this season. This is actually last month's news, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make the effort to at least make a post on it. So here we go!

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written by astrobunny \\ asakura, figma, haruhi, max factory, mikuru, nagato, nendroid, ryoko, suzumiya, tsuruya, yuki