Picture 1 in [The Perfect Girl]

Most of the time I talk about K-ON I usually talk about Azusa, and of course, not a lot of people mention anything about Ui either. While she is a side character in the series, I think she deserves at least a little mention in a post on its own, despite the precious little that we know about her from the infinitesimal amount of screen time that she more than deserves.
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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, bright, hirasawa, k-on, kind, lively, pefect sister, perfect, perfect caretaker, perfect cook, perfect friend, perfect girl, perfect guitarist, perfect host, perfect wife, shapely, sister, tolerant, ui, well endowed, win, yui

Picture 1 in [Bakemonogatari ends with a Hitagisome ending]

My point exactly. Hitagi is now synonymous with Awe.

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written by astrobunny \\ 2009, anime, awesome, hitagi, perfect, senjougahara, shaft, trash, win

Picture 1 in [Happy Cirno Day]

There should've been a better picture here, but I ended up having to use the older one I drew yesterday, because I lost my last one on a browser crash. It was meant to be this post's picture too, but since it was a comment post, not a trace of it was left. I guess stuff like this happens. But on the bright side, I just unearthed 300 soldiers of Cirno celebrating her Perfect Math Class on a hiroba of Aichi. Check it out.


written by astrobunny \\ cirno, class, day, math, perfect, video