Picture 1 in [Vanilla Salt]

The new ED for Toradora is awesome salt. Its been a while since Macross Frontier that a good OP/ED has come out. I must say that the things I enjoyed the most about this song is its bass music, the long pulled notes, and the ringing clicks just after the chorus starts. Horie Yui makes good work of this song IMO, and gives it a feel many other songs (including Seikan Hikou) lacks. This one actually sounds like she's enjoying a cup of vanilla salt, which, by the way is real.

Anyway, since this song is so awesome, the lyrics are after the jump, along with a video for you to sing along to.

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written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Anime Blogger Panel]

While most of us are introverts and hikikomoris that lock ourselves in the room all day and blogging hoping that complete strangers would take notice of us and eventually make our blog famous so that we may one day become Omni and have the awesomest blogging site of the century, it seems a group of prodigal anime bloggers have made an effort to bring to the society a little more awareness of the anime blogger community. I was pretty late at finding this because RL gets in the way sometimes, but for those of you who do not yet know about the NYAF Anime Blogging Panel by Hinano, JP Meyer and DS from Daijoubu, you can watch it here: http://animediet.net/conventions/nyaf-anime-blogger-panel-the-video

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written by astrobunny \\ anime, anime blog, blogging, ds, hinano, jp meyer, nyaf, omo, omonomono, panel