Picture 1 in [Pickle Eyebrows]

On one note, this has got to be the grossest thing to ever grace the pure humour of the light music club. Peeling off the eyebrow and eating it. The guys at KyoAni must've been doing this when they were stoned.

Picture 2 in [Pickle Eyebrows]

On a side note, I wonder what Mugi's pantsu are today...

written by astrobunny \\ eyebrow, gross, k-on, nice bowl, pickle, tsumugi

Picture 1 in [Is this all Haruhi's excuse?]

Now that the second season has really started with this episode, we have been able to obtain a broader idea on what KyoAni has in store for us. Putting aside the complaints fans have about his episode after reading the novel, let us observe Haruhi's interesting behaviour in this episode. What are we interested in?
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written by astrobunny \\ baseball, beach, bowling, cicada, endless eight, fanservice, fishing, haruhi, imouto, itsuki, kyon, love, mikuru, mizugi, nagato, obon, second season