Picture 1 in [Railgun's Take on Mugi-class Eyebrows]

Never have I seen a show troll like this before. But because it was so funny, I couldn't help but laugh and pity those guys with Type-Mugi Eyebrows.

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, dekkai, eyebrow, funny, huge, prank, railgun, saten, weird

Picture 1 in [Pickle Eyebrows]

On one note, this has got to be the grossest thing to ever grace the pure humour of the light music club. Peeling off the eyebrow and eating it. The guys at KyoAni must've been doing this when they were stoned.

Picture 2 in [Pickle Eyebrows]

On a side note, I wonder what Mugi's pantsu are today...

written by astrobunny \\ eyebrow, gross, k-on, nice bowl, pickle, tsumugi