Picture 1 in [Railgun's Take on Mugi-class Eyebrows]

Never have I seen a show troll like this before. But because it was so funny, I couldn't help but laugh and pity those guys with Type-Mugi Eyebrows.

Picture 2 in [Railgun's Take on Mugi-class Eyebrows]

But I must say, the humour is not unfounded. Saten looks both damn cute and damn funny with those eyebrows on.

Picture 3 in [Railgun's Take on Mugi-class Eyebrows]

Though I must say, if she dyed her hair and eyebrows beige, I think she'll make a pretty damn convincing To Aru Dekkai Mayuge no Yatsu.

written by astrobunny \\ awesome, dekkai, eyebrow, funny, huge, prank, railgun, saten, weird