Picture 1 in [Azusa Episode Again!]

Azusa lieks caek. I liek Azusa. I think I like her because she is the most accurate representation of my insecurities that I've noticed in a show. I'm constantly unhappy with myself, and with what I do and with things around me. Yet I end up going with the flow anyway, and then end up wondering what I should say to other people about it when they ask.

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written by astrobunny \\ azunyan, azusa, cake, happy, insecurity, mugi, mustang, nakano, social, waitresses should have cat ears, worry, yui

Picture 1 in [Doujin Overload 2010]

Doujin Overload again! This year I was much less of a stalker and more of a seller, and only thanks to a trusty sidekick was I able to run around with a knifecamera and find more gold for myself!

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written by astrobunny \\ 2010, amane, aya, black, black rock shooter, cirno, collateral, cosplay, damage, death, doujin, eyecancer, figurines, graphic novel cafe, haruhi, hatsune, kagami, kagamiku, marisa, miku, misa, nagato, note, overload, reimu, rock, shameimaru, shooter, studios, touhou, tsukasa, world is mine, yakumo, yukari

Picture 1 in [Trip to Auckland]

I am currently on what is fast becoming an annual trip to Auckland to attend Doujin Overload. This year instead of TragicComedy, I will be manning the Collateral Damage Studios booth in Doujin Overload. However, the event is tomorrow. Today I just came to Auckland to chill.

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written by astrobunny \\ auckland, city, doujin, glitter, hotel, hyatt, louis vuitton, night, office, overload, sky tower, trip

Picture 1 in [Sumner Beach]

Its been a while since I posted about Christchurch, so I'll talk about a less exciting but relaxing place to be in called Sumner, because me and the Hiiragi sisters so happened to end up here after getting lost for a while. If you think that you're tired of a place that has too much to see, come here and relax yourself. Its actually also a beach, so you can dip your legs in the icy water and enjoy yourself in the freezing pacific breeze.

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written by astrobunny \\ ball, beach, bins, boat, cake, cannon, christchurch, coffee, hiiragi, kagami, metal, playground, polarizing filter, rocks, sail, sand, seagulls, sky, sumner, tsukasa, yacht

Picture 1 in [Oh Another Seitokai]

Lately I've been getting the feeling that anime is trying to portray student councils as a small group of decisionmakers very detached from the rest of the student body and who constantly create their own clique and meet in isolation to discuss the most random things. Could this actually be true about Japanese high schools in general? Is this a satirical work of writers who find no respect in their old schools' councils? Or are stories written this way just for the sake of comedy?

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written by astrobunny \\ 3 girls 1 guy, another, council, hint, lame, lesbian, marimite, seitokai, student, weird

Picture 1 in [Equatorial Adventures 4]

Back to talking about my trip to Singapore before last week. That night we went to a nice little restaurant called Ikoi (relaxation) in a Hotel Miramar somewhere on the island.

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written by astrobunny \\ a380, agedashi, airport, awesome, chawan, eclipse, figma, food, golden, ikoi, ikura, japanese, kagami, lime, loli, lunar, meat, miramar, mushi, mushroom, nice boat, obinmushi, ooga, raw, salmon, shia, singapore, soup, temaki, tofu, tomato, tyrannosaurus, wasabi

Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Kagami and Tsukasa!]

Today I bought a cake for the Hiiragi sisters to celebrate their birthday. We invited some close figmas to join the party too.

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written by astrobunny \\ 7 july, burn, cake, candle, cupcake, disaster, drossel, fire, hiiragi, kagami, konata, kusakabe, lucky figmas dont have to eat, miyuki, tanabata, tsukasa