Picture 1 in [Happy Birthday Kagami and Tsukasa!]

Today I bought a cake for the Hiiragi sisters to celebrate their birthday. We invited some close figmas to join the party too.

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written by astrobunny \\ 7 july, burn, cake, candle, cupcake, disaster, drossel, fire, hiiragi, kagami, konata, kusakabe, lucky figmas dont have to eat, miyuki, tanabata, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Trip To The Equator]

Last week I travelled to the equator in a commercial jet that had a logo that resembled multiple less than signs and a glyph. It was a long flight due to the distance between the moon and Earth. After a long tiring few days of running around and meeting people in Singapore and Malaysia, I can finally blog about this trip.

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written by astrobunny \\ , akai, barrage, bay, bj0rn, bunny, camera, changi, dakimakura, drossel, figma, flying, food, friends, funan, helix, iphone sucks, julius, kagami, kagami is love, kite, kueh tiaw, marina, nice boat, ogatarina, photoshoot, plane, plane food, reimu, scenery, shia, singapore, stone, tragic, under the bridge

Picture 1 in [Today in Mai HQ]

Today, I came home to find the usual figma infestation on my table.

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written by astrobunny \\ asuka, drossel, fate, figma, figma everyday, haruhi, kagami, mai hq, messing around, messy, nanoha, seto, shakugan no shana, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Christmas Preparations]

Everyone's really busy today trying to get stuff tied up for friday!

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written by astrobunny \\ drossel, figma, fraulein, haruhi, hiyori, kagami, kyon, kyonko, len, miyuki, nendo, rin, ryouko, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Mysterious box]

Drossel found a mysterious box today. And the logical way to kill schrodinger's cat is to let it out of the box. And so Drossel set out to opening the box to find out its contents...

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written by astrobunny \\ bowl, drossel, kagami, nice, nice bowl, shima, shimabowl, shimapan, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Drossel Repairs My Hard Disk]

Recently, a spate of hard drive failures and other inconsistencies in my main computer has impaired my ability to watch anime and fap to hentai perform useful work. However, amongst my companions are two very trustworthy and highly technical people: Drossel and Nagato. We will see how well they do to fix my PC in these times of desperate need.

written by astrobunny \\ drossel, failure, fireball, hdd, hiiragi, juno, kagami, lucky, star

Picture 1 in [Far Seer GET]

While I was packing, Drossel was inspecting my new telephoto lens to make sure there weren't any defects so I can post some appropriate feedback and make sure I don't bring a broken piece of glass to Tokyo.

written by astrobunny \\ drossel, dslr, juno, lens, telephoto

Picture 1 in [Packing]

Sadly the figma's can't help me pack because their joints are too weak to carry most of the stuff I'm going to be bringing to Tokyo. But they were kind enough to help me organise my documents for me and play with my banknotes.

written by astrobunny \\ 10000, credit card, documents, drossel, ichiman, kagami, packing, tsukasa, yen, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Today in Mai Room]

Looks like Kagami and Tsukasa got to my new battery and SD card before I even had a chance to look at the packaging. Yes. One must prepare to record history before his travels, because one will never know what archaeologist in the distant future may discover a certain civilization of the past that idealized hair tied on both sides of the head and pleated skirts.

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written by astrobunny \\ camera, cosplay, drossel, kagami, lucky, miyuki, sd, star, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Figma Drossel]

Not too long ago I was crying on Kagami's shoulders about not being able to get figma Drossel because it was completely sold out and my preorder could not be met. I personally found that excuse from the store quite unreasonable, since it really sounded like they were trying to hoard them because they were rare. Oh well. A good thing Max Factory did the right thing and re-released it again for poor people like us whose preorders were ignored.

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written by astrobunny \\ accessories, android, dance, disney, drossel, figma, fireball, haruhi, incomprehensible, juno, lightbox, prospero, robot, twintail, win